FAR Study Advice

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  • #3308380

    So, I just found out I failed FAR for the 3rd time. It was a low blow considering the amount of studying I put myself through this time. The second time I took it, I spent a lot of time practicing and going through every SIM and significantly improved over the first attempt. So, I figured I would work on going through the multiple choice for this last time as I thought that’s where I was lacking most. It didn’t work out how I thought it would, but I did have to pause to take REG and BEC in between, so maybe I just lost more information than I thought I had.

    I’m not really sure how to approach studying at this point. I was reading each topic area and then doing the corresponding multiple choice section because that seems to cement the material better in my memory in general. But it’s been much more difficult with FAR given the amount of information and the number of calculation problems.

    I know part of my issue is pacing myself better, but the calculation problems frustrate me because they can take so much time to read. All the calculation stuff is quite grueling, particularly when you’re going through the MC by topic and getting a lot of the same/similar type questions. So, I’m not sure if I just need to take a different approach to the material or if I would benefit from supplementing NINJA with another review course material for FAR.

    When I studied for my second attempt at BEC, I happened to have a 2019 Gleim book for BEC, which I used to supplement NINJA BEC and I actually liked the somewhat different reading material. Some topics were easier to understand after adding that to my studying, but I didn’t actually do any online practice through Gleim. Part of me thinks it could be helpful, but I don’t want to throw more money at another review course if I can find a way to make NINJA work better for me. Any advice one way or another would be appreciated.

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  • #3308417

    Hey there! I am sorry about your score, it stinks. I know you don't want to throw more money at another review course, but maybe seeing things in a different format or worded a different way from Ninja may help get through the exam. You mentioned it was your 3rd time with the exam, if you've been using Ninja the entire time, maybe you're too comfortable with the material? I tried sitting 7 years ago and was just using Wiley books and the Ninja notes (Ninja material has come a long way since I tried the first time) and now I'm using Becker and Ninja together because if I don't understand a topic from one set, I usually do from another set. Good luck!

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