FAR Simulations

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  • #2945586

    Hey all. Looking for some advice. I’ve been studying FAR for approximately 7 weeks. I struggle with sims, actually bombing them, mostly because I’m having a hard time remembering calculation formulas. Especially bonds, revenue recognition, and statement of cash flows to name a few. My averages on MCQs range from 65-78, with government/NFP being my strongest. (I’ve worked in local government for 5 years-go figure.) Practice tests scores have been around 60% with MCQs being my bread and butter. I’ve been pounding MCQs but know I’m falling short with some concepts. I’m scheduled to test on March 10th (my first of four). Burnout is approaching and it’s taking a toll. Should I power through or reschedule so I can revamp my study approach? Thanks in advance!

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  • Author
  • #2945877
    John CPA

    I am studying for FAR as well and the way I study SIMs is to submit the practice SIMs for grade without any answers first and actually solving durning the review with the answers handy. Doing it this way saves me time and also instant feed back is nice. I do not know about when you should take the exam though. Good luck!


    Hi! So I just passed FAR. I took the AICPA blueprints and worked every possible FAR sim that they said could be on there. Then I worked the difficult and Moderate AICPA released questions that Ninja has posted, then I worked the example test on the AICPA website. I used Wiley as my main source of study and supplemented with Ninja. On the sims I just drilled them. I did well on some and made zeros on others. I just tried to see what I was doing wrong. Sometimes I was putting in worng answers and other times it was because I didn't use the correct format or but in zeros where i was supposed to. I think working sims is totally worth it. I went from a 72 on FAR to and 81. I hope this helps!


    I went through the AICPA practice test and plan to get through a handful of SIMs this week/weekend in my weakest areas. Thank you both for the advice. Let's hope it carries me through to a passing score!

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