FAR Simulatins – Thoughts on studying

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  • #157990

    Any thoughts on when to do simulations while studying? Should I leave to the final weeks – and just get through all the multiple choice and know the material down pact first?

    Any helpful advice that helped you guys prepare for the simulation with FAR?

    I use becker

    REG - 86
    AUD - 78
    FAR - August 21st

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  • #233138

    I haven't taken FAR yet, but I will take it July 5. I'm not doing any sims. I have read enough on here of people not completing the sims or feeling like they just do horrible on them and they still pass. More often than not I have read that people just got totally surprised by the sims.

    I think time is far better spent doing MC questions and just really understanding the underlying concepts. I think in order to pass this exam you have to do really well on the MC questions, and that is the bottom line.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I am doing them now as I review the chapters.

    I think it's useful only to get used to the software.

    The simulations I did in the software were way too easy (income statement and consolidations) to be true. Took me 10 minutes each, excluding the written communication part.

    I would definitely leave them for last, if you have time to spare.

    If you know how to do the MCQs, then you know how to do sims. It's the same stuff in a different format.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Simulations are no longer one, big complex problem with related tabs. Each tab is an independent, mini-monster. If you are comfortable knowing the more complex multiple choice questions in your study guides, you should be fine. I look over the simulations over because they help explain some topics from every angle that could be asked.


    I spend very little time on the simulations when studying. You can get so many various topics that you can't really study for them. If you are doing well on the multiple choice questions, you'll be able to handle simulations on the exam.

    I attempt each simulation once when studying, briefly look at the solution, and move on.

    If I had to leave one thing out of my studying, it would be simulations. Learn the format and functionality, and leave the multiple choice questions to be the area where you really learn the material.

    Just my advice.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I agree with whitesox. Look a few over when studying to familiarize yourself with the format, but other than that, it wont help too much.

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