FAR review planning

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  • #156562

    Hi everyone! I am using Becker for my FAR. I am wondering if the Becker materials are enough for the exam. Did you go back to your intermidiate or advanced accounting textbooks besides Becker? I am taking FAR on 10/24 and I need to arrange my time to review the materials.


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  • #203912

    I actually planned on using my intermediate books to supplement my study, but did not end up having the time to get to them. I did crack one of the intermediate books briefly, but found that it only confused me to bring in another point of view. I used Yaeger HomeStudy and found what it covered to be sufficient – haven't gotten the score yet but here's hoping!


    I used Becker for FAR this past window and passed with an 80…I felt that overall Becker was helpful if you have some basis in the material (that your remember…) and used Becker as a review. (I struggled with Non Profit and Governmental since I've never had a course in it.) I would recommend using your texts for some on the harder topics such as leases, bond amortization discount/premiums, and pensions to fully grasp the concept. You might want to use your textbook for consoldiation and intercompany transactions but make sure your textbook is updated for 141R. I hope this helps!


    how hard were the questions on 141R? did you have a lot of depreciation questions?


    I have switched to Yeager Home Study because a needed a fresh approach. I feel a lot more confident this time around. I plan to take FAR in mid Oct.


    I used Yaeger HS to pass FAR, Yaeger teaches you from scratch however Becker is a good review course if you already know the concepts.


    Well, well, well.

    Here is another aspect of having different CPA reviews on hand (maybe combining expensive and inexpensive ones). A week into my FAR studies with Becker CD's (I allowed myself 8 business weeks for it), and my computer broke yesterday… Dell will send a new hard drive within 2-3 business days, I already lost today. (i only have limited hours on weekdays to study because on weekends I have two kids).

    So, I am very grateful that even before I purchased Becker, I had bought Wiley 2009 books… just in case… which have plenty of multiple choice questions that I can study while my computer is being fixed! Saved myself some nerves.


    I need everyone's honest opinion on prepping for FAR. I am 2.5 weeks into it and I have only nailed down 3 chapters of my 9 chapter Becker book. I am only 1 chapter behind and I am taking the test on 10/26, which is 26 days after my Becker course ends. I just cannot get into it. I love Financial Accounting and as an auditor I use much of the material on a regular basis, but I am in a rut. I have been studying very hard since April and manage to pass AUD and REG on the first try with a 93, and 88, repsectively, and I, like so many others here are waiting on BEC. I felt myself starting to lose steam during BEC, and now with this being my last section (hopefully), I am just sick of it I think. Becker is boring the life out of me. I was thinking about getting the Yaeger CRAM. I supplemented my Becker with it for BEC, and I guess I will find out next week whether it worked or not. Does anyone think that if I complete my Becker studies on 10/01 and immediately start the CRAM, having 25 days to use it, it will make a difference? Of all the sections of Becker that I have gotten through, leases is the one giving me the most trouble. I am scared to think of what bonds and pensions will do to me! I would appreciate detailed feedback from anyone who has used the CRAM for FAR. Thanks!

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