I have some advice for you. I don't know who you are using, but I used Becker for my failed FAR. I spent 3.5 months studying Becker, felt I knew NOTHING the day of the exam, and was VERY lucky to get the 69 I got.
I felt weak in ALL areas. I heard about the Yeager crams in here and gave it a shot.
I took a 2.5 week Cram and killed it. I spent the first two days opening up and “scanning' the Becker book, only to get myself back into the FAR mood after I just took BEC. I did NO Becker FAR questions. Once I had reopened FAR, I dropped the Becker book and never looked back. Never went into the Becker software, and acted like it never existed.
I bough the Yeager Cram, I watched the lectures, did the minimum questions and was actually excited about sitting for FAR again. By test day, I was so confident, I killed it. My 80 is not indicative of how well I did. I was doing so well on my MCQ's that I only left myself 50 minutes to complete BOTH sims. So I quickly write the communication in sim 1 and did one page of the sim… moved on to sim 2 and did the same. The only thing that stopped me from scoring in the 90s was time. I didn't finish and still felt like I killed it. There was no way I was going to fail.
This was all the work of the Yeager Cram. I would suggest you do this:
1. Buy the Yeager Cram for FAR with wiley book ($210 for both, less if you already have the book).
2. Watch lectures, do minimum questions they assign.
3. Pass exam
4. Go home and celebrate how well you did on FAR.
5. Rinse, but don't repeat.
The secret to FAR is doing MCQ until you can do no more, then do some more. Becker is a review course, Yeager is a teaching course.
Which is right for you?
I'm not a salesman for Yeager… but I'm here to say that I'd cheat on my wife with the Yeager team after how they helped me pass. Just don't tell my wife.
Some suggest starting your FAR course over, some say do a quick review. I'm in the quick review party. Just go back and focus on your weakness and make it your strength (mine was EPS and DEPS)… then focus on those that you were strong in. Do this in 3 or 4 weeks. The quicker, the more intense you will study, and the fresher the material is. Go into the exam, and vomit up all of your FAR info and leave it on the table… no use bringing it home with you.
BEC - Pass 10/2010
FAR - Pass 10/2010
AUD - Pass 11/2010
REG - Pass 05/2011