FAR is my last exam an I am nowhere near ready:

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  • #161293

    I spent June, July and August getting through the Becker FAR. I am Chapter 6 of Becker on my second pass through everything. It takes me FOREVER. I plan to get 6 and 7 reviewed this week and then 8/9 on Sunday and Monday with one 4 days to review everything. I do NOT have high expectations for the exam next Friday the 26th. I know I had a 2 weekends this summer where I did no studying due to being out of town, but I just do not know where the time went. I need to pass FAR in the next windwo as AUD expires for me at the end of the year. I don’t want to repeat anything other than this FAR once and be done.

    So, I plan to go into the exam next Friday and see how it goes. Then I am taking a week off for a planned vacation. Upon returning, I intend to keep studying as I will not have the score for FAR yet, but already know what is going to happen. I need help with managing my study time and studying effectively. I want to take the time to really understand the problems I miss, but if I do that, i run out of time in the end with the subsequent chapters. Then as I found out with this 2nd pass I am forgetting a lot of what I did at the beginning. I did not have these problems with the other sections.

    ANY advice on what to do with Sept – November to study and PASS will be appreciated. Here is what I do not plan on doing. I won’t need to write out new note cards (only for missed important points) and I won’t have to redo all the lectures. I will probably be able to read the section and then anser the questions. From there I am clueless ….. I made a FATAL mistake this go around. I wrote out every Becker MCQ by hand and answers when doing my first pass in efforts to memorize more. Ummmm … EPIC FAIL!!!

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  • #292573

    Hi jsteinou99,

    I can relate a bit. I'm taking FAR next wed the 24th. I gave myself 3 weeks to do a final review of the material and have ended up a week behind. I am now pushing hard to get through F8 and F9 review so I can take practice exams and review J/E in the next week.

    If you are looking for review tips i am going through each chapter and doing: reading my own outline, skimming the chapter, going through notecards, doing supplemental MC (i did not do those 1st time through), missed MC, and then the SIM (didn't do this 1st time through either), and then writing out another “cheat sheet” outline. This has really helped me remember the earlier chapters.

    I'm hoping to jump into practice exams b/c I know from taking REG that I struggle with the timing and pushing myself through the questions quickly to get to the SIMS.

    I hope that is helpful. Good luck!

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