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  • #159568

    Ok, so I’m a jerk for giving myself just under 6 weeks to prepare for this exam. 6 weeks did it for me for the other three tests, but I don’t know about this one.

    I am finding a lot of topics that are so confusing and complicated and complex that I can’t get through them. I get frustrated and just try to move on the next topic. I am using Gleim which is 20 lessons, and so far I got through 1, almost all of 2 (until I got to cash flow statements) and half of 3 (until I got to DEPS calculations!!)

    This is pathetic because I’m just just on financial statement items! I feel like the truly scary stuff is still to come.

    I struggle with spending too much time on an item I may get one question on. Yeah that question is one I want to get right, but I guess I don’t know how to handle situations where I feel that the topic is either a lost cause, or its just not worth the time and frustration to get it down.

    When I took REG, I neglected the hugely important topic of property transactions and it cost me a score of 74. One thorough review of property transactions and I more than passed on my second try.

    Trying to focus on ‘this is the last one!’ and ‘I’m almost done!’ isn’t really helping at this point. I just want to hang out on my couch and watch TV.

    What do you guys do when you find it very difficult to absorb and understand the material?


    BEC 84, AUD 90, REG 74,83 FAR 81

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  • #268681

    I am feeling your pain. My first rodeo with FAR was a lost cause. I felt as though I was going crazy trying to absorb the massive material that the FAR exam brings. I am using the Becker Material, and the FAR book is about double the size of any other section. There is just soooo much material that MAY be tested. I studied everyday, and did all the MCQ for each section before moving on to the next. I felt like this approach was working until I got further along in the book. The more info I try to cram in, I feel as though it is pushing the initial info out. So much info…so little time.

    My approach the 2nd time around it to do a quick review of the chapters in Becker, hit as many MCQs as I can, and really focus on reading and understanding the details of the question. I am also working on my time management so I don't run out of time like I did on my first attempt. I also plan on going back and reviewing earlier chapters at the end of every week so that I don't forget what I had learned in Chapter 1 and 2 by the time I am on Chapter 7. It is hard to manage, but FAR is a beast. GL!

    BEC - 71, 74, 77 (Feb - 2011)
    FAR - 73, 78 (Feb - 2011)
    REG - 83 (Nov 2010)
    AUD - 71, 84 (May 2011) - Done!! CPA licensed in TX (July 2011)


    I'm glad I'm not the only one. I'm scheduled to take FAR 2/25, and I feel like I'm running out of time.

    Same frustrations as above. The material is so voluminous, and not at all intuitive. I actually find myself mocking Tim during the lectures and then getting annoyed with myself while trying to complete the MCQs. After a couple of hours, I need a break. So far, I've managed to watch 5 of the 9 Becker lectures, and have completed almost all required (and most supplemental) MCQs through Ch. 5. I'm looking ahead to Chs. 6 – 9, and am really worried I'm not going to have time for a proper final review. I'm hoping to complete the next 4 chapters by Feb 3. Then, read all chapters and re work all MCQs.

    Hopefully that will be enough.

    Good luck to you both.

    BEC (05/31/10) 82
    AUD (08/31/10) 76
    REG (11/29/10) 90
    FAR (02/28/11) 82


    Yes feel the same way…so much material and I feel like im half a$$ing the whole chapter. I hope to finish all chapters by end of month and rigorous review for three weeks and even more rigorous final review for last week…. Feb 2011 will be hell.



    I remember exactly what FAR felt like. There's so much information and it's hard to figure out what's most important and it's impossible to know everything. I didn't have a meltdown until my test was like a week away. I panicked and ordered Yaeger CRAM and put everything I had into it, and I sincerely believe that CRAM was the only thing that pushed me over the 75, even though I have no proof, since prior to that I spent like 2 months on Becker. I thought the Yaeger instructors really helped me take a risk based approach to studying and helped me figure out where to spend my time. I definitely didn't know everything, and felt like FAR was a total disaster, but came out ok. Good luck to you all, I hope you kick FAR's a$$!!


    Just make sure you don't overlook governmental and not for profit; concentrate on fund type, basis of accounting, and the statements. Don't underestimate the importance of these chapters.

    BEC 10/11/2010 77
    AUD 11/30/2010 81
    REG 02/25/2011 78
    FAR 11/28/2011 74,68, 83 and DONE!!! NTS LA #460


    KERI0323 – Thanks for your suggestion…. I am also going through the same frustrations…. Last 3 – 4 weeks, I was jumping from 1 chapter to other when ever I felt difficulty with in the chapters. Now I realize that dont work and so starting from chapter 1 all over again. Are journal entries more tested? How important are they on the exam? Are they tested on multiple choice or in TBS?


    Journal entries are definitely tested, I'm not really sure how much detail I am allowed to share so I will at least tell you that I did not find them to be as in depth as Becker. However, I do work in financial accounting and make journal entries on a daily basis so I would say they are my strong point and they very well could've have been “easier” for me because I might not have earned a difficult testlet.

    BEC 10/11/2010 77
    AUD 11/30/2010 81
    REG 02/25/2011 78
    FAR 11/28/2011 74,68, 83 and DONE!!! NTS LA #460


    KERI0323 – Thanks for letting us know where they stand in comparison with Becker…as I study Becker. Just want to know whether they are tested or not..Thanks again… Goodluck on your result…and with your REG prep..

    So Close Yet So FAR

    I completely agree. I have passed aud, reg and bec in 2010 and was able to get through the material in 6 weeks for each. I am doing FAR in 5 weeks (my test is a week from today). I feel no where near as prepared as the other 3, but between working at a big 4 and a one week vacation next week, I am committed to take the test regardless of how prepared I truly am. I finished all 9 chapters using Becker, and I will be studying 8 hours per day sat and sun and 4 hours mon-wed next week to try and cram this all in. Hopefully it pays off…but I digress, I am in the same boat as all of you! there is way to much material on this test to ever feel confident, lets just pray for leniency for the first 2011 testing window!

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