FAR-Failed? SIMS?!

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  • #159299

    Not such a good morning for me… I needed to see if I have any chance in this world… I felt okay on the MCQ~80’s, I Christmas “treed” the 3 tabs on the 1st simulation – while half “butting” the WC and completing the Research tab.  The 2nd simulation was the same case as the 1st simulation. I only left myself 35 min to complete both simulations; Time flew by for me on this exam. What do you think? Does it look like I’m re-taking FAR?

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  • #258293
    75 CPA

    35 minutes for both simulations is not enough time. Allow yourself 45 minutes per simulation. You need to spend no more than an average of 1 1/2 minutes on each multiple choice question.

    Check your time on the exam after every 10 questions. Additionally, write down your time schedule, memorize it, and put it on your scratch paper at the exam. My time schedule for the FAR exam looked something like this:

    Testlet #1 (45 minutes) Start 4:00 hrs. Actual End _____

    Testlet #2 (45 minutes) Start 3:15 Actual End _____

    Testlet #3 (45 minutes) Start 2:30 Actual End _____

    Break (10 Minutes) Start 1:45 Actual End _____

    Simulation #1 (45 minutes) Start 1:35 Actual End _____

    Simulation # 2 (45 minutes) Start 0:50

    Extra Time (5 minutes) Start 0:05

    P.S. Manage your scratch paper as well as your time. Divide your scratch paper into 3 columns. It takes too long to get more scratch paper.

    The time allowed for REG is even less that the time allowed for FAR. In FAR you have a total of 15 extra minutes. In REG you only have a total of 5 extra minutes.


    Truth be told, you never know how your exam actually went. The only way to find out is obviously to wait for scores to come out. In the mean time, if you think it went that bad, it may not hurt to come up with a game plan on re-taking it if needed. Worst case scenario is you find out it didn't go well but you have a plan of attack to go back in there.

    I truly hope it did go well for you and you don't need a ‘plan'! Just remember we're all in the same boat after we test. We never know how it went.

    Best of luck to you!


    I felt OK on the MC and got to the Sims with 1 hour 15 minutes. I got really excited when I knew everything on the first SIM (or so I think I did) and then did average on the written communication. Unfortunately, when I looked up at the time it only said 15 minutes left. I scrambled through the 2nd SIM, left some blank and had about 8 minutes on the written communication. I hope I do not have to re-take, but it is now up to the CPA exam scoring gods. I pray to you, please give me at least a 75!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck on your exam, I am just as worried as you are about my score. I honestly think I might have to re-take this test, which I am not looking forward to.

    REG: Passed,(expired 4/30/11), Passed - 87 (2/29/12)
    BEC: Passed,(expired 2/29/12), Scheduled May 2012
    FAR: 72,74,74(C'MON!), (Schedule 4/20/12)
    AUD: Passed


    I was rolling pretty good in the 1st testlet and the 2nd became harder. I paniced on the 3rd. I was distracted and worried that I needed to be more careful on this testlet and re-check everything. I managed to keep track of time and was doing well on time untill I lost my head in testlet 3. My whole plan on time for each section was shot. I even kept my time tracked in the corner of my scrap paper 🙁 I needed to make sure I could accumulate as many points as possible. I was so disappointed that couldn't get my sims done. I need to try to forget about it for now and wait for my score – I'm tortured with this waiting process.

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