FAR CPA Exam Review 2010 - Page 4

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    elsie, you will be fine… you'll surprise yourself and how well it will go. Just do a last moment review of all underlined topics/notes (whatever you use) and go there confidently. Don't be intimidated by our scores, it is not that hard like time consumung so you have to have very good time management during the exam.

    LSU_BR, cpawannabe, ChaFay, we are in it together. We know how the repeats feel… this time will be a charm for us…cpawannabe, don't think of it in such big chunks, they divided it in smaller pieces so that it's more manageable…

    I am doing cash flow now and the way cindy explains it is awesome!

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    It is way more manageable. I just get overwhelmed sometimes. We will get through this.

    WoO HoO, FAR class of Q4 2010!!!!


    hey Wanabe, how is Yaeger working out for you???

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Very well. I think having been through the Becker book several times was good, but Yaeger is reinforcing it. There were many fuzzy areas before that are more clear now. Wiley does a WAY better job on simulations than Becker in my opinion.


    Good! I have a feeling this is gonna be a good testing window for you 😀

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Virginia is giving me the run around. I found out I failed FAR (my last section) with a 74 on 9/23. Same day I signed up for my retake on VA BOA website. In VA, we have to wait for a payment coupon in order to even pay for the exam and start the NTS process. They still havent given me my payment coupon and it's now the 4thQ testing window. I've called and emailed several times, they say it should be a “few days”. Does anyone else have this problem? I know I'm never going to get a weekend sit date at this point with all the candidates flooding this testing window. Thanks Virginia…


    Questions to those who have taken FAR exam. Is 2010 Wiley software helpful in passing Far? How about the Becker Passmaster? I might be running out of time to switch from Yaeger to Becker. I would appreciate any comments.

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE



    I am in Virginia and I have the same problems. I first apply for a coupon, it takes a few days, then NTS, takes few days/weeks… To me it is all part of this big money making sheme. Every day is additional revenue for them. Every day someone is losing credits for previous exams, every day more spots are taken at the prometric centers, etc… Every day they move some unearned revenue to revenue earned by simple time passing…

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    I got a 74 with Becker 2009 material in August….FML …I'm taking it again mid november, going to hit 2k problems in Wiley 2010

    AUD: 71, 72, 91
    FAR: 74, 79
    REG: 81
    BEC: 71, 85


    Hi everyone – I am taking FAR on 10/18 and I'm using the Wiley book and Gleim test bank questions. I have heard that the Wiley material is too detailed – has anyone else heard that?

    Seeing as FAR has such ridiculous amounts of material I certainly do not want to go into more detail than I need too…


    @ CPA WannaBe — I finished the homestudy and am working on Day 2 Part 1 of the cram. I hope to be finished with it by next weekend. That will leave me one week to go back over a few topics (pensions, cash flows, SIMS in general, lol) that give me problems before my test on Oct 16. I really like yaeger but I am nervous because I have done questions over and over like Becker. But I do think I am actually learning the material so it should be fine. Fourth times a charm ! lol

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂


    That should've said *HAVEN'T done questions over and over.

    AUD 95 (3/5/10); BEC 83 (5/28/10); FAR 71, 72, 74, 82 (10/16/10); REG 65,80(11/23/10)
    ALL DONE 🙂



    I think you are going with a good pace. I like yeager but will not overdo it. I didn't buy the cram. I only plan to do the required questions for the modules. I actually miss becker and cannot wait to finish with all modules and go listen to becker one more time. lol. I do understand becker better after going through yeager. How abt you?

    fourth time a charm!!!!!!

    far-->75 Done!!!!!



    Now that I am getting into more complex topics, like bonds, I am realizing I missed some major points when I studied before. Are you working the Wiley CD questions bank?


    I think Wiley goes way overboard with some of their questions, kinda like Becker's supplemental sometimes. I am going through them all but some are just over the top. At least I will read the answer explanation.


    Hey, FARbehind!

    Are you really going to listen to Becker again? I think after hearing a thorough explanation in Yaeger, Becker will make more sense.

    4 is our lucky number!

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