I just left FAR and it was terrible. It was by far the worst of the 4 times I have taken it. I switched to Yaeger this time, which helped but the questions were nothing like I have seen on previous exams. All those things I didn't study because I had never gotten questions on before, BAM! There they were.
Imagine the hardest questions in the review material – that is what I got. Exceptions, weird scenarios, ratios I've never even seen before – and I memorized all the ones in the text.
They must keep track of my weaknesses.
All I did on the simulations were the written communications. I had enough time to put guesses – and one tab all zero, just to fill it in.
The thing that made me the maddest was the last sim tab I looked at would have taken 5 minutes and I knew it well but the friggin clock ran out.