FAR CPA Exam Review 2010 - Page 12

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    It's normal to feel so nervous. This is the fourth time for us and it doesn't get any easier on the nerves. Just remember the exam is designed to psych us out with their tricks and time constraints, so we must put all that in the back of our mind and try to relax and focus. I really feel like we knew the material before but let the exam turn us into a wreck and we panicked.

    I am also trying to convince myself to just get in that room at Prometric and let the infomation flow. Easier said than done, right? You are in control this time so don't let that exam mess with you. You are smart enough to ace it, just don't let the exam win this time. We are smart, have put in the time and effort, and we can do this.

    I'm pulling for you!!


    Thanks! One last day of studying and onto the test. Praying for all of us taking these exams.

    AUD (11) & FAR (10) = 89
    BEC (10) & REG (11) = 78
    Ethics here I come!
    I am a CPA!


    I'm a regular stalker here but not a frequent poster. I'm taking FAR for the third time Nov. 22nd, and if I pass, I'm DONE, a year and a half after I started this beast.

    So since all your user names are so familiar to me (not trying to freak you out, but particularly CPAWannaBe and FARBehind), and I've gotten a lot of motivation from you all but haven't given back much, I just thought I'd make my presence known as I spend the next several weeks until score release freaking out with you. Hello!

    REG: 76 (would have lost credit 5/31)
    AUD: 71, 78
    BEC: 74, 81
    FAR: 74, 61, 66, 69, 75 DONE


    Am so cheering for you FARbehind…here's to hoping we all knock this thing out in 2010!!!

    We are all scared of this monster, but just try to keep your wits about you when you walk into that exam room. If you come upon a problem in the MCQ that scares you, maybe just mark it and move on to easier ones right away rather than spending too much time up front on that one, then come back to it after building some confidence on ones that may be easier for you. This may help keep you from being too worried about time (which can distract you)…you quickly see which problems you can rip right through and which ones you'll need to spend a little more time on…this method has often helped me, because it helps me better allocate my time and not be too worried if I hit difficult problems at the front of the testlet. I haven't taken FAR yet, but this approach did help keep me focused in the other three sections I've taken.

    Good Luck!

    AUD 92, REG 85, BEC 90, FAR 85
    Ethics 100
    Obtained License 7/11/11 🙂


    Thanks everybody for all the support and advice. It is sooo nice to get it from people going through the same emotions. @2010 please this is a really good advice. This strategy helped me before too.

    @ineedadrink, I am in the same boat, my first exam was in August 2009, so it's been a while. It's about time for us to graduate. We can do it this time!

    far-->75 Done!!!!!


    ineedadrink_ Welcome

    aldong_ I would say make sure you know your F8 and F9 journal entries.

    What a refreshing string of posts. I am waiting on my FAR 10/14 and taking REG on 11/23. Keep up the positive attitudes!! It makes me want to jump back into becker and ans some questions!!

    AUD 89
    BEC 84
    FAR 87
    REG 94!! ALL DONE


    WI_11 you must not be feeling well 😀 I am taking FAR in the AM. And am doing more MC to keep me fresh, took a sim final exam this afternoon and socred in the 70's. Not too happy with that, but I had some stupid mistakes. I hope tomorrow goes better and I can put my FAR Becker book to bed with the BEC book.

    AUD (11) & FAR (10) = 89
    BEC (10) & REG (11) = 78
    Ethics here I come!
    I am a CPA!


    ineedadrink, welcome! Looks like we will be attacking FAR together in less than 2 weeks. How is your studying going?

    MI-CPA, good luck tomorrow. Please post afterwards and tell us what you thought.

    FARBehind, I think I want you to pass more than I want me to pass.


    Good luck FARbehind, CPAwannabe and everyone else 🙂 I'm scared to see my score.. very scared..


    I just sat for FAR, and I think I got my butt handed to me. First testlet went well, but from their on it was a battle (I ran out of time). My simulations were extremely long and detailed, which meant time consuming. I definitely put in the time and effort studying, and knew it all very well, unfortunately I lost focus and just realized I missed some detailed items in certain MCs that meant I got it wrong. I'm extremely sensitive to noise when taking an exam, and as soon as I started the second testlet, the site I was at seated a girl and a guy behind me. The girl was pounding away at her keyboard like it was fighting back, and the guy sounded as though he had whooping cough. He would start hacking every 30-45 seconds. On top of which, the person seated next to me kept shaking my desk and monitor with whatever he was doing next to me…….ARGH what a horrible experience!!!! I'm praying so hard for a 75 right now…..

    AUD 82, REG 85, BEC 80, FAR 76, Ethics 98



    FARbehind, just show to AICPA how good you are this time.

    Good luck!


    FAR and Wannabe – I just can't even let myself think that doing this again in 2011 will be an option. As everyone has said, it's a mile wide and an inch deep, and I think my mistake the first two times was trying to go too deep and scaring myself into learning every little thing, which is obviously just too overwhelming.

    I also got tricked initially into thinking that what worked for everyone else would work for me, so I was spending time on MCs that I was just memorizing. I finally said, Screw everyone else, and I'll be spending the next 10 days with a stack of flashcards that I just go through constantly with “know” and “don't know” piles.

    I can't stay on the site constantly, or I do get freaked out by what everyone else is doing (or not doing), but every emotion anyone has felt of self-doubt and worthlessness (and jealousy), I have been there with you.

    Good luck tomorrow, FAR!!

    REG: 76 (would have lost credit 5/31)
    AUD: 71, 78
    BEC: 74, 81
    FAR: 74, 61, 66, 69, 75 DONE


    Studiying MODE! 10 hours a Day for this week. Monday to Sunday. What a great life 🙁

    I am not take for granted FAR!


    Edwin – I'm with you. I'm taking FAR for the second time (I also got a 74 the first time around) next Monday with you. This is my last one & I'm so drained & over this test. I just keep telling myself that it's only one more week until I'm done. We're almost there!


    This is going to be the longest week ever. I am stuck on Stockholder's Equity. Seems like every time I come to this topic, it is like the very first time I have done the questions.

    FARBehind, don't assume the worst. You rocked those multiple choice questions!

    On another note, when I told my husband I should get my score before Christmas, his reply was “Great, there goes the holidays.” Yeah, thanks for the support, Baby.

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