FAR: Can I pass the exam knowing a little bit of every subject???

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  • #158307

    I have one more week before my test and I’m freaking out because I can’t possibly know everything about FAR. Has anyone taken FAR and passed not fully understanding every subject??? =(

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  • #234759


    Doubt if snyone ever knows everything. Each exam window many testers post that they thiink they failed because they didn't do well on MCQ or sims or written communications. Some of these same people later post that they passed and actually made a pretty high scpre. Some post thay failed.

    I think it is a combination of prepariation , studying the material that the review folks say to hit hard. Also, luck in that the topics covered on the exam are what you know and test well over. Another factor just do better than most of the other testers.

    Take a deep breath and develop a strategy to maximize your time left.

    I feel the same way you do – I test on Aug 31. I tell myself the above to calm myself and stay focused.


    You have 1 week so it could be enough! Go over all the hilighted parts in your book and all the book examples, I found them very helpful when it came to simulations. Brush up on Journal entries! You will see difficult questions that require more than just understanding the basics, but there arent too many of them. But expect ur most hated topics on the simulations and JEs. BUT generally MCs are not as hard as the homework qs in becker, so not to worry. Good luck!

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