FAR August 31, 2010

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  • #158235

    I am starting to study this week for FAR. I have taken it once prior and got a 68. Any suggestions on the best way to attack studying. I don’t feel like I get anything more than I already have by re watching the videos. I am probably going to just keep hammering MC questions and make sure i know the concept behind the questions. Any suggestions?

    Also, I plan on getting 90+ hours of studying in from now until test time. Any input on how many hours everyone has put in or intends to put in?

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  • #234396


    Did you receive the analysis from your prior FAR exam? Will that help you pinpoint your weak and string areas? I know each test is just randomMCQ from a testbank – but it should give an indicator.

    I am scheduled for Aug 31st and feel intimidated already. Even if I do well on the homework – in the back of my mind I am thinking will this stay with me as I layer more information on top. I plan to spend most of the weekend reviewing the first 6 Becker chapters again.


    @Dewey – I put in about 150 hours and felt pretty comfortable that I passed when I left the exam at the beginning of July. It was however my first exam I took so who knows since I don't know how I did yet…

    If you don't think you will get much out of re watching videos, maybe try taking a practice exam now before you start hardcore studying and you can identify your weak areas and go through more multiple choice on those sections and maybe watch the videos if you still are having difficulty understanding the topics. I also hate watching some of these videos they seem to skip over major things and go through small things in excruciating detail… Good luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96

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