FAR – August 2010 – Wave Two predicitions? Bueller?

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  • #158425

    I just took FAR today, last exam I had to take.

    Any guesses on when Wave 2 exam scores are going to be released?

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  • #239907

    Jeff, any thoughts on a possible Wave 2 release date?

    I am in the middle of tax summer busy season. It would be great to put asside the idea of checking my score until some late date. If I can get a guess of when the release might be I can put it out of my mind until then.

    Thanks for the great site.


    I believe he said mid-September around the 15th in his book about the cpa exam score releases…. so you got a couple weeks to wait

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    Ya and with the way that the AICPA and NASBA have been releasing scores (especially for this testing window)…it probably won't be till the 4th week in September (that is what I am banking on)

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    Two weeks of waiting down, this is going to make for an extra long busy season. Instead of checking I think I am going to bump this post once a week.


    7 Days until the predicted release date. We should run some numbers on the actual release, a little over under. 😉


    If the # is 7, I'll take the Over no doubt. I am thinking more like 12.

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    9/15/2010. No FAR release in CT on the nasba site yet. But I did get a big box of returns out the door. One out of two isn't bad.


    I am just feeling really helpless and down right now. I am a New York candidate that has passed AUD (77), Reg (76) and BEC (75) and just took FAR on August 17th. In Audit and BEC I felt like I got a score in the 90's but as you can tell it was no where close to that. In Reg, I studied quite hard, did the Becker MCQ probably in upwards of 10 times and understood all concepts. I thought the exam was fair, and I did not get to complete the second simulation with the exception of the written communication. Again, I thought I scored well on the MCQ but never did I experience from testlet to testlet a noticable difference in difficulty. I would say 99% of the questions I was familiar with the content being tested, as I only recall 1 question on my last FAR exam where I had no clue. I finished the FAR exam MCQ quite quickly (and I double checked my answers) with a little less than 2 hours to spare for the simulations. The simulations were very difficult (touching on a variety of topics and asking to compile most of the FS), and I was annoyed at the fact they hammered me on cash flow questions throoughout the MC and no govermental accounting (which was a big focus for me). My creidit wille expire for Audit and Regulation come March 31st but I already have gone ahead and purchased FAR from Becker (I know I should have waited but if I do pass it will be the best money I ever spent). I just feel very unmotivated as I had scored consistent 90's on all 9 sections of the MCQ (without the some supplemential as there was way too much material to cover), and I feel as though I blew it. I work with another co worker (also big 4) who “did not study” and he told me he guessed on probably 60% of the questions and he has already started studying again. Now that I am done with my ramble, and feel as though I have been kicked to the ground, I ask everyone else who is going through this painful process, is there any hope for me?


    I guess I missed something in your post? It doesn't even sound like you received confirmation on passing or failing, but you are already pretty down about your performance. I would wait and see. I have seen plenty of people post about passing even thought they thought they failed big time.

    Looks like BEC is in the process of being released. I don't think I will get my FAR score until monday at the earliest.


    MrKnowItnone, Yes there is hope. I passed FAR in Aug, only with a 75 but I didn't complete 20% of the exam. All the MC questions seemed extremly diffucult, I thought I bombed it. By the time I got done with the MC I knew I did not have enough time to finish both sims so I concentrated on the WC in both sims. I completed both WC's and 1-2 journal entries on one tab which I am certain I got wrong. I wanted to purchase a new review course while I was waiting for my score but decided to wait, glad I did. Of course, if you pass you probably won't care that you spent the extra money, you'll just be glad you are done with FAR. There is still hope for you.


    Sorry for being unclear, but I have not received my score to date. Its just very unhealthy to constantly check the scores on the NASBA website as I did. I also tried the Ohio loophole but it still says “all four parts are still in process” so I am assuming scores have yet to be released. My point was simple, for BEC, REG, and AUD I knew Becker inside and out. For FAR, I did not complete all of the supplemential MC but I grasped I would say 95% of the concepts and got through all of the MCQ in two days scoring a consistent (85-90%). I just felt the one thing that I was not so comfortbale on (cash flows) was hammered in my exam. I really focused on governmental and NFP but literally only got one question on both of those topics. I guess I will have to wait and see. I was down on myself because I felt like I passed all three previous exams (which I did -BARELY) and this one I just felt as though there were alot more judgement calls in tthe MCQ (50/50). Thanks for your support, I will post once I get my scores. As of 8:19AM on September 17, 2010 scores still have yet to be released for FAR in NY. Thanks again

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