Failed Far the first time, how should I study?

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  • #158534

    I failed FAR during the Aug testing period and while I wait for my performance report I am trying to determine the best plan of attack on how to study the second time around. Does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to study for FAR using Becker (I also have the flashcards)? Do you think it will be necessary to watch each lecture over again or should I just review them and focus more on the flashcards and practice questions?

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  • #239210
    I can do it cpa

    I would say more practice problems! For me, I started to do the same problems over and over again that I started to memorize the answers. This is a BIG NO-NO! I recommend to find a near public library that carries Wiley CPA review books for 2010 and do all the problems in the random order! Hope this helps and remember, this is only for a couple weeks/months! =)

    FAR-80 |BEC-85 |REG-72,82|AUD-81 |Ethics-Done
    Getting it done in 2010! -> GOT IT DONE IN 2010

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