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  • #161857

    Just found out i failed the far with the second time around by using the becker self study. (Becker is good, it helped me passed other 3 parts in my first try.) I feel like i understand the material much better than the 1st time. The first time around i got 73, after another month of preparing, i thought i have a good chance of passing it on the retake, because i felt i did pretty good on mcqs, and the mcqs werer getting harder, simulations just can’t be prepared.

    My question is how should i prepared for the 3rd time? Still use becker or should change study the material? I tends to be weaker in simulations, what do you guys suggest me to buy or to supplement? how is wiley test bank or CD work and glaim simulation wizard? Any suggestion? Thanks in advance.

    FAR 73(11/02/2010),74(08/31/2011), 80(11/30/2011)
    BEC 75(11/30/2010)
    AUD 87(01/26/2011)
    REG 77(07/09/2011)

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  • Author
  • #300474

    Thanks all for replying, I purchased wiley online yesterday. I will use that as my additional practice. I will have to see how it prepare me for the this beast. If necessary, i will buy gleim software. This time, the beast has no chance of surviving.

    FAR 73(11/02/2010),74(08/31/2011), 80(11/30/2011)
    BEC 75(11/30/2010)
    AUD 87(01/26/2011)
    REG 77(07/09/2011)


    Got my performance report today, here are my performance by content area

    framework and standards 17-23% (Weaker)

    financial statement accounts 27-33% (stronger)

    specific transactions/events 27-33% (comparable)

    governmental 8-12% (comparable)

    Not-for-profit 8-12% (stronger)

    I only weaker in framework and standards which was 17- 23%, the rest i got either comparable or stronger. I just dont know why i couldn't pass. I have feeling that aicpa don't want me to pass since this was my last exam :(

    FAR 73(11/02/2010),74(08/31/2011), 80(11/30/2011)
    BEC 75(11/30/2010)
    AUD 87(01/26/2011)
    REG 77(07/09/2011)


    Joke – Thank you for creating this post! You asked all the questions I was wondering 🙂 My last exam too, and failed with a 74 too. My breakdown looked like this:

    framework and standards 17-23% (stronger)

    financial statement accounts 27-33% (comparable)

    specific transactions/events 27-33% (comparable)

    governmental 8-12% (stronger)

    Not-for-profit 8-12% (comparable)

    Overall stronger on MCQ, Weaker on SIMs. I must have really bombed them. I knew I did, but apparently just enough to do me in.

    I also have been using Becker, but will probably use Yaeger CRAM since I pretty much have all the answers in Becker memorized now.

    When are you planning to retake it?

    BEC 52, 61, 74, 77
    AUD 80
    REG 75
    FAR 50, 60, 70, 74, 83...DONE!!
    ..Texas.. Baby #2 born 4/11/11



    sorry for both of us. actually one of my friend just like us, he passed all three at his first try, and got stuck with the last one with 74 and 73s. :(. i guess aicpa is really poor, they want to make some money out of us…

    i'll be retaking it again on 11/22. This time i'll defeat this monster for sure and i am sure you will too. 🙂

    FAR 73(11/02/2010),74(08/31/2011), 80(11/30/2011)
    BEC 75(11/30/2010)
    AUD 87(01/26/2011)
    REG 77(07/09/2011)

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