Failed FAR again… Feeling lost! Need help

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    I have failed far again for the third time with a score of 60. Previous scores were 61, 52. Have been using Becker for MCQs and SIMs. Feeling lost and disheartened. Need help. Can someone please suggest / guide me as to how shall I study for this subject? My credit for other subject will expire in June 2022 so I’m very anxious and want to clear FAR before June!!

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    How many hours do you study per week on average? I definitely think FAR was the hardest to pass, but I only think that because there was more material in total. I wouldn't necessarily say the material is more difficult. I think a lot of it has to do with hours.

    Personally, I continuously did MCQ's and Simulations on GLEIM, it gives the best experience compared to the actual exam. Then i would copy and paste areas i was incorrect on those MCQ's and simulations onto an excel/word sheet, then made sure to look at it right before my next study session to retain it. Does Becker have a feature to give completely random questions and sims?

    And at some point, memorizing certain areas actually pays off. Lol


    Thanks @jd for your prompt revert. I study approx. 25-30 hours per week on an average. How many hours would you recommend?

    Becker does have Unlimited practice tests for testing random questions. I had practiced a few of those too. May be need to practice more of those, especially SIMs.

    Ninja Albert

    Hi I have been there with FAR it is very discouraging I would suggest if you haven't done so already:

    1. to utilize the Sparring VIDs from NINJA
    2. to try to understand the content before doing MCQs, (which many people can argue with me but it worked for me) getting the content subject or one topic at a time will help you get through the material and when doing those practice exams you will get the solutions way quicker and the content will be in your head while answering the questions sometime you will be looking for the answer rather going through the 4 choices
    3.after doing the content I would then go to the SIMS in Becker to apply the knowledge and see how well you know it you will be surprised, and if not then you will know what you don't know so well.
    4. ALWAYS go through every subject and material because anything can be tested
    5. and finally never give up you can do it you have done it before.

    there may be many other tips out there but this is a good start.


    Hi JJ!

    I would say jd and Albert provided great feedback as far as actual study methods that work and I totally agree with their recommendations. I think another aspect of the study process is to build confidence. I know it sounds corny or cliché, but having confidence on test day is vital. You clearly have the ability to pass CPA exam sections. It is important to know the material, but also to know you can (and will) pass. If you notice yourself getting flustered during a study session, take a few minutes and breathe. In your 3 attempts so far, have you had time left at the end of the test? If so, you have time to take a break, even mid-testlet, to regroup. I also like studying in “test” mode (on NINJA, not sure if Becker has this as well) which prevents me from knowing how I do on single questions until the end of the group of questions. I found that if I looked at correct answer during the practice questions I would put pressure on myself to end a run of wrong answers and it only hurt me.


    Thanks @Ninja Albert and @Chris for your valuable inputs and guidance. This is really helpful.

    I also wanted to ask regarding my credit score expiration. My credit score for BEC expires on 30 June 2022. What if I take my FAR exam on or before 30 June and the result comes in July? Will my credit score for BEC still be valid if I pass FAR in July? My jurisdiction is Guam. Thanks.


    I believe the score must be released by the expiration day, but I am not totally sure. I just looked in my candidate portal and it lists the received date as the day I got the score, not the day I took the exam. The 18 months starts on the first of the month after you passed (i.e. I received BEC score 3/18/2021, and it expires 9/30/2022. The expiration is 18 months from 4/1/2021. I would try and take some point in April and then if needed you can squeeze another test in by June 8. The last score release prior to June 30 is June 16.



    Thank you for posting this as I too was wondering the same. My BEC credit is set to expire soon so I was also wondering if I just had to test before my credit expires or if I have to receive my final score before it expires.

    Hopefully we don't have to cut it too close!

    Ninja Albert

    @jj that's a great question I have never thought of that I hope it doesn't come down to that but I would think that it should because the test was taken before 18 month period not sure must look up in AICPA, this 18 month is stressful but I hear why they do that. Good luck and keep on pushing we can all do it.

    Ninja Albert

    Did you veer find out about that inquiry you had for credit expiring? I know someone that is in the same situation and wanted to see if any one read anything on line or asked NASBA they are from NJ.

    Any insight let us know thank you

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