Failed FAR. A.G.A.I.N.

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  • #158790

    So this is going to be embarrassing but I just found out that I failed FAR for the 4th time. And, this time I did worse than all 3 times previously. 1- 68, 2- 66, 3- 73, 4- 60. (To be fair, I was terribly sick the entire week before my exam and could not even sit up let alone open a book or computer…)

    I’ve been using Becker, each time doing self study. I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself, especially with a job at one of the Big 4 where I am always working until at least 7pm (with a 45 minute commute), and much, much later during busy season (January – May).

    Does anyone have ANY advice? I looked up trying to register for a live Becker class, but none will work right now with my schedule. Should I switch materials?

    I also got an email that Becker has a final review class next week in my area for FAR…does anyone think this would be helpful? 15 points is a lot so I’m sure I’ll have to start from scratch on this one, but I don’t know where/how to begin. I also have audit to take (passed it on my first try in 2009 but alas, it expired during all the FAR nonsense…) and would love to get them done asap. With the changes, should I focus on one or the other before 2011?

    Sorry for all of the questions and thank you in advance for any help!!

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  • #254675

    whats you study routine with becker?

    FAR: 7/17/10 missed exam FML reschedule 8/29/10-77 EPIC!
    REG: 5/31/11-73 SMH, 8/31/11-85
    BEC: 4/15/10-72 : retake 10/3/10-80
    AUD: 11/28/10-74, 02/27/11-71 FML, 8/1/11-80
    Ethics 10/22/22-80, retake 11/28/11 - 88

    75 CPA


    Start all over again. Failing FAR 4 times with Becker shows that you have gone as far as you can with Becker. I always changed review courses when I failed a CPA exam.

    Go with Yaeger for FAR as your main review course and use the Becker book as your reference book. Yaeger spends more time on FAR than Becker, especially on problem solving. Becker will also make a lot more sense after you finish Yaeger.

    I failed FAR on my first attempt using Becker and Gleim, and I passed on my second atempt at FAR by using Yaeger.

    Becker's Final Review is expensive and it will not get you the 15 points that you need. Spend the money on Yaeger's Home Study. Use Jeff's discount code.

    You have a lot of work ahead of you to get those 15 points. AFTER you finish Yaeger and after you do ALL of the Wiley questions, buy Gleim Online, which includes Gleim's Test Prep. Gleim is the perfect tool to work on your weak areas, as noted on your on your 4 FAR report cards from the AICPA.

    You have a lot of work ahead of you. Call Dr. Phil Yaeger and get to work!


    My study routine has really been anything but a routine. I was not a big studier in college and thus have trouble getting myself to focus now. I would watch the lectures & take notes, do the MCQs, and read over the notes all only once before my test. This last time on FAR, I was sick so I wasn't able to get all the way through F9 (not for profit and governmental). There is always little to no time for final review but I try to do some progress tests as I go along so the older chapters aren't forgotten.

    Thanks for the tips, 75 CPA. I think I will order Yaeger. Is it similar to Becker in that there are lectures, MCQs and simulations in the software? I'm assuming Wiley is part of Yaeger?

    Do either of you have any advice as to studying for two sections at once? I'd like to try to take both FAR and Audit before the year ends. Like I said, I passed Audit my first try so I'm not too concerned about that but will definitely still go through all of the lectures and MCQs as it was over 18 months ago. I think I could study for that in 3 weeks and take it at the end of October. Do you think it's possible to also study for FAR during this month and then take it at the end of November? Or am I crazy and should I just suck it up and take FAR in January with IFRS (which I didn't learn in school and don't use at work)?


    I'd say don't worry about Audit until you pass FAR. Use October and November to study FAR and take it at the end of November, pass that one, and then worry about Audit. Audit will have IFRS added to it, but honestly AUD is so much memorization anyway that it's just going to be a few more lines to memorize. I wouldn't worry about it changing so much. Definitely get “the beast” out of the way first!

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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