Does AICPA Play with Grades?

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  • #158261
    75 CPA

    I think that the AICPA takes an unreasonable amount of time, 4 – 6 weeks in most cases, to return our grades. I can only reasonably conclude that the AICPA uses that time to make sure that the passing rate does not exceed 40% – 45%.

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  • #234612

    I completely agree. It can't be coincidence that all the exams have scores in that percentage of pass rate each window.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    At some points (1st day of testing window, new simulation), they have up to 9 or 10 weeks to play with the grades! It's unheard of. I mean really, I don't know of any other situation (ok, maybe pre-ordering an iPhone or something) where receiving something you paid almost $300 for could take up to 10 weeks to receive.


    I agree that the AICPA does “curve” in a matter of speaking the scores to keep the pass rate between 45-52%. However, if you do some research, the pass rate has gone up over the last 5 years see article talks about 2009 pass rates compared to 2005 at:

    which states:

    “Pass Rates: Are they getting better or worse? Actually, the pass rates this year are higher than they have ever been before! This is good news! To see how much progress has been made, here are the pass rates from the 1st Q 2005:

    *AUD: 40.0% *BEC: 43.0% *FAR: 36.0% *REG: 35.0%”

    So, either we have gotten smarter or the AICPA has eased the grading process. I would suggest that there is a little of both plus I am sure the review material has been refined to concentrate on the most likely tested material. It must have really sucked that about a third passed where as today it is about half.


    It would make sense that pass rates have gone up since 05. People didn't know what in the world to expect in 2004/2005 when the new exam format went live.

    Pass rates are covered on the blog…


    @ DocHalladay! I felt the same about the Ipad.

    The wait is killing me.

    BEC & REG & AUD Passed FAR Studying


    What I think is worse than the wait are the “off” months, which take away 4 months of testing from candidates; and if you're in public accounting, that could be further shortened by 2 busy seasons crammed in there as well.

    75 CPA

    Perhaps the passing rates are too high for the AICPA. I expect scores to go down in 2011.

    Things will change for the worse in 2011. There will be more material to study, including international standards. Additionally, BEC will have simulations. However, the total amount of time allocated for all the exams has not increased by one minute! The AICPA will take away 30 minutes from AUD and give those 30 minutes to BEC. You are not just being tested on your knowledge, you are being tested on how fast you can complete the exams.


    I got this e-mail from Gleim today, since i purchased their audit software. Here's a small snippet of it:

    “…One detail that the AICPA chose to reiterate is that the written communication essays are graded based upon grammar, spelling, and flow…Moreover, the essays are graded by a software program. Apparently the software can ascertain whether you are writing on topic even though the AICPA disclosed that the software is not looking for key words. This information – that the essays are graded on grammar, spelling, and flow, but must be on topic – is not new….”

    So that kind of makes me paranoid about not clicking the “spell check” button on my second sim. But more importantly,if they grade both the MCQs AND the essays with computers, how can it possibly take them 4-6 weeks to return our grades? I think they MUST play with the scores to fit that ~50% pass rate.

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    Personally I think they really enjoy torturing candidates, I know they will say this and that, but I just don't believe it, tehy want this process to be as cruel as possible to us. I thinking the waiting is worse then the test.

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