Crazy FAR Simulation

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  • #157343

    I just took FAR today and had a really weird second simulation. (I went straight to the in-laws after for my bro-in-laws birthday, we then went and played paintball. What a great way to release the stress from the exam.) I got behind on the multiple choice so I had about 20 minutes less than I wanted to have going into the two simulations. The first one was fine and had a regular written communication topic that one would expect for FAR. I tried to do it quickly to get back a few minutes for the second simulation. I had about 30 minutes so I knew that I had to go a little quicker than I wanted. Well I looked at the second written communication and could not believe my eyes. It was completely out of left field. I would say that it was a topic that at least 95% of accountants never see in their careers ever. I was not very pleased to say the least. I didn’t even touch the research tab and just filled in what I could on another tab. Wow that thing really kicked my butt!!

    Thanks for letting me vent!!

    Most recent scores
    BEC-80, FAR-79
    REG-73 - 2/19/2011
    AUD-74 - April 2011

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  • #218057

    Haha.. I had the same test you did, Evan, below is what I have previously written on other threads:

    Just got out of taking FAR today (Wednesday) !!!

    AND YGTBSM!!! Normally I go about blasting on this site about how hard it was and have ending up passing (Thank God!), but this was something else.

    Multiple Choice; Varied, but overall fair, I noticed that the focus seemed to be on certain topics. It went from medium, to hard, and to really hard and I had to C my way out of more questions then I cared too…

    On the simulations; WTH? It was a who's who on the “fringe” topics!! I left 2 tabs nearly blank because I had no idea what they were talking about…

    I had thought about rescheduling for March, but even if I did, the simulations were a complete disaster. No matter how horrendous the score, I am going to put it up when it comes,and sadly, the studying continues…

    I Walked out in a daze and somewhat pissed off, I'm certain i messed that thing up… Those “fringe” topics pissed me off and I had to guess on 4 MC per testlet and I may have been vague with the comunication. The testing center has 4 hours of video of me giving the NJ 3rd finger salute to many questions and a double salute to the simulations.


    NJTP, it really sounds like we had the same test. I busted up when I read about the NJ 3rd finger salute. BTW, I kind of miss NJ in a weird way since leaving KPMG. I really got to know my way around Montvale. Hopefully we both passed FAR!! I just want to be done. I took AUD on 1/2 of this window and am still waiting. I think that it will be comical if they release FAR before AUD in wave 2.

    Most recent scores
    BEC-80, FAR-79
    REG-73 - 2/19/2011
    AUD-74 - April 2011


    Were these “fringe” topics covered in your study materials in practice simulations?

    I studied Wiley 2007 and Becker 2009 and I'd say three of my tabs were not in practice simulations.

    And one topic in particular would require an accountant who was specialized in the area to be able to answer. Like you said, 95% probably never even encounter it.


    Let's be careful with this topic please. Describing something as a fringe topic is probably as far as it needs to go.



    No problem Jeff,, thats why I chose that word lol : )


    I have no idea what “fringe” topic they are referring to. I was just curious as to how well the simulations in the study materials are covering what's on the exam. I promise I'll try to generalize :)))

    It seems weird that we are getting blindsided by simulation tabs that are “specialized”. Like a doctor taking the MCAT and having to describe in detail how to clone a donkey with cancer in her second trimester having triplets and one is going to be born hairless. Crazy.

    Does the CPA always throw in such specific questions that require expertise on a topic we hardly ever encounter?


    CPAWannaBe – That is too funny. but I know what you mean. When I read the previous post, I also have no idea what “fringe” they are referring to.


    I mean by Fringe – CPA Exam Topics that are completely off anyones radar … Those who encountered them know what I am talking about..

    Remember, as Jeff reminded us, lets go no further than that per those pesky confidential disclosures we are bound by …


    I just got that simulation. I literally finished my exam two hours ago. I just went through by becker book and my old textbook about the topic at hand. I've got nothing. Both sims were nuts. Not sure exactly how anybody could answer them correctly based on review courses. Here's to hoping they are experimental simulation(s).

    REG 85, BEC 79, AUD (1/5/10 Still waiting argggghhhh) , FAR (_)*(_)


    I think becker prepares you for FAR extremely well. Especially if you looked at all the simulations and did a practice exam or two. The likelyhood that you would get tested on something that an accountant has seen is very very unlikely. I mean its financial accounting, balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, its not rocket science.

    BEC 82 - 1/16, AUD 2/23, FAR 78, REG - April


    The likelihood of an accountant having seen it was infact unlikely. I happen to do financial reporting and the topic is a rare occurrence where I work.

    I did all the Becker multiple choice questions, simulations, final reviews, practice tests and final exams but sometimes it just isn't enough. I was still not prepared, but will keep at it until I pass.



    BEC 82 - 1/16, AUD 2/23, FAR 78, REG - April



    Honestly I've been really happy with Becker. Far was my 4th and final exam. I studied for 9 weeks. Never touched this topic getting my degree. No mention of it in the book. Can't find it in my either of my financial textbooks. You tell me what to think?

    Normally I'd be inclined to agree with you.


    I come to this forum for support and not to be questioned about what I had on my exam and implied that I should know everything. I failed. I admit that I need to do better.

    Tinkel, I read your other posts. You need to work on your tone, grammar and spelling.


    Tinkletinkle Sir/Ma'am; Please read this statement again, and ask yourself?

    “I mean its financial accounting, balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, its not rocket science. “

    Yeah Einstein, it ain't rocket science, its GAAP, and what about the different statements for N4P and govt accounting? Do we not remember that equates to 16-24% of the content specification of the exam.

    Maybe you know something that 99% of all folks who used Becker and took FAR did not.

    AND, Maybe you are one of those select academically gifted intellectuals or someone who studied for one week and lucked out on his/her FAR exam, however you did it, I congratulate you, but everyone tests and studies differently, so, please lets have more class and common sense and think before posting and where you are posting.

    Thank You!

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