Consolidations, please help. Advice needed…

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  • #157140

    I’m very weak in consolidations. I take the test this Thursday. I would like a dvd/webcast on consolidations only. I’m using Bisk software, but would love to see a teacher explain consolidations. Are there any out there that I can watch/purchase online to use immediately?

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  • #216887

    I think everyone is weak in Consolidations. It's a horrible topic, IMO, probably the most boring, pointlessly confusing topic on the entire CPA exam. How they can make something so conceptually simple as combining the financial statements of two companies, *so* relentlessly difficult, is beyond me.

    There's a Yaeger lecture that goes into great detail on FASB 141R. I bought it, as my 2008 Bisk course did not cover the “R.” I'd suggest picking it up, the price is right.


    Having just taken the exam 2 weeks ago, I wouldn't spend a lot of time worrying about consolidations. Like many of the topics, just understand the basics and don't work yourself up if you don't understand 100%.


    I also used the Bisk Sotfware + the Bisk Hot Spot DVD.

    There is a Hot Spot DVD completely devoted to Consolidation. Check it out. The teacher (Bob Monette) is awesome.

    Bisk Software + all (35) Hot Spot DVD's helped me pass all sections the first time. And I am an international candidate. I had a strong accounting background though.

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