Changing NTS… Possible?

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  • #158321

    I have my NTS for Regulation. But realizing now it doesn’t change much in 2011. I just took FAR and want to take AUD instead because it gets IFRS and wanna make sure I pass it first. Hopefully do that beginning of October and BEC by end of November.

    The NTS for Regulation ends 1/03/2011…. so if I cannot change it, I’ll likely suck it up and perhaps study in December after AUD and BEC in next window.

    It’ll suck, but at this point I really want to get AUD and BEC done before 2011… so worth it if I can do that and am forced to wing REG a bit.

    Here’s to hoping that FAR (took today) gets passed. Since that will cause a whole mess of trouble.

    Anyway… lemme know if I can change NTS. I hope so!

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  • #234877


    You can go ahead a request to take AUD and BEC this year. Just submit for a new NTS. I am in TX and that is an easy online process for us. If you don't take REG by Jan 2011 just request to take it after the NTS expires. You will be out a bit of money but your plan is a good one.

    I think you are right the FAR & AUD would be better exams to take before YE 2010. I think you are right about BEC too.

    Good luck


    So, you cannot get rid of the NTS? That was more the question… guess not. Damn. I just don't want to be out the money is all. I'll probably just wing REG on 1/03 (last day of NTS) and see. If I'm gonna lose my money anyway, why not?

    So, i'll go for AUD and BEC, shorter sections too, so hopefully if start studying now can get them done through next window. And if I have passed FAR, that will be great since then can (hopefully) to be having 3 done before 2011 and hoping to pass REG with minimal study. Worse case, I take it for the next window…



    Don't think the actual NTS can be changed. If you have not paid any additional fees that would stop the process. But if you paid the fees – then you are stuck with the dates. That is what TX told me anyway.


    Well, January 3rd should be a testable date (have to check with testing centers I guess), correct? I'll just shoot for taking it then maybe… I don't know though… I don't want to spend Christmas and all that worrying about REG.


    In regards to material itself… does BEC or REG change more? I don't care about the simulations added to BEC really since no one will be familiar with them anyway. But if I know the material, I should be able to get through.

    Since that could be ultimate decision between BEC or REG end of next window. If BEC, will cram for REG and wing it after holidays. If I decide to take REG next window… then will just wait on the BEC NTS until later in the Jan/Feb window I guess.



    BEC is a mixed bag – only 90 MCQ. 5 chapters in Becker. Very diverse material. A test could be heavy on the calculation vs theory or not. Just the luck of the draw. There are things you learned in FAR that will help in BEC.

    My thought is AUD and BEC are doable between Sept – Nov. REG may take time depending on your background. I think you would need to be very dedicated to study over the Christmas break. But you know yourself.

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