Changes : IFRS and First testing window

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  • #158532


    just to give you a brief summary about my background, I am currently working in the public sector and have not sat for ANY exams. My Fare NTS has just expired as I have been attempting to sit for a part for a year now, but life and work has more than taken its toll on my ability to sit.

    In any case, my question is, is it possible to sit for FARE and AUD this year in one testing window if I have three solid months to study and am working, or should I focus more on one part than the other.

    Also, I was thinking with the new changes coming out, how can they take affect as of January 2011 as the new study books have not come out? Would it be safe to say that 2010 FARE and AUD can apply to the first window Jan/Feb????

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  • #239252

    Can definitely do both… I would sit for FAR in the middle of October – giving you 6 weeks and then AUD in mid to late Nov. (week of/before turkey day, who wants to study then?? not me!!) Good luck, hope this helps

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    You can do both for sure. I am taking AUD in October and BEC in November. Hopefully I won't have to squeeze in a FAR retake too!

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    I believe I would take FAR and BEC in the next window.


    You can do both sections in one window if you put in the time to study. I would really concentrate on passing FAR as that section is set to get even more difficult with IFRS in 2011. I would also think about doing BEC instead of Audit. It has less material so should require less time to study, and BEC will be adding written simulations starting in 2011. If you dislike written exams like I do, get BEC out of the way while it's 100% MC.

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