Can anyone who has passed REG please share experiences

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  • #159624

    I took REG yesterday and there were some easy questions on there that I didn’t know. I just couldn’t recall the information because it wasn’t something that I put a whole lot of emphasis on. I mean literally stuff that may have been 1 sentence in the book about a specific subject and instead of asking all these other questions that the material seemed to focus the test asked the most minute detail that I glossed over. Has anyone else had this problem with REG (missing problems that should have been easy) and still passed? I’m stressed out about this test. Its the first 1 that I felt I was doing well on during the test


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  • #268864

    Hey haze,

    dont worry it happened to me each exam I took. A number of “easy” questions I missed and went back to look up the answer and got them wrong…get tormented for days thinking I gave away points. I had a bunch of those in business law. And then the hours spent mastering “hard” topics and didn't even get tested on game day…

    I left my REG exam thinking I didn't ace it , but I didn't bomb it either. I wouldn't have been surprised to get a 70-74 tho. But my score of 88 blew me away. I never got over an 85 in any college accounting final/midterm. And I kicked ass on the freaking CPA exam …

    For me that feeling of torment lasts 3-4 days when you can think of nothing but wishing you switched the answer or what you should've, could've, and would've studied if you can go back in time.


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