California score release info

  • Creator
  • #158400

    To my fellow californians:

    When does the CBA usually update the website with scores?

    Is it always overnight (at 5:30am-ish) or could it be the same day, when the scores are received in the middle of the day?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 87 total)
  • Author
  • #239302

    As far as I know I always checked late at night at like 2am but then woke up to the scores being there at like 7 or 8am. That's been my experience twice.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    Fellow angelinos of what I have been told by those who have been through this experience its about 6.00 am in morning, pretty close to what potatogun said.


    I got my alarm set for 5:30. I can't sleep!

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81



    lol, I might just stay up and study the whole night (got a brand new italian espresso machine right here, you know what I'm talking about).

    On Saturday morning (waiting for AUD scores, and not even sure if my score would be there as I was borderline between wave1 and 2) I woke up at 5:30 even without alarm, checked my blackberry and the score wasn't there.

    It came out at 5:37 but I got to see it at 7:30ish when I woke up.

    Seriously though, after 8/31 all the LA area members should meet up and hang out at some bar. Who's in?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    Name the place….. am a big fun of Johnny Walker Black label, love it on the rocks 🙂


    I usually hang out with my friend Jack…..

    I like the Saddle Ranch on Sunset Blvd, but there are tons of places around here….

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    I've been to saddle ranch but personally I prefer the Red Rock bar


    I couldn't even hardly do any studying tonight…no way I could stay up all night studying. I also have to be at work at 7:30…tomorrow is either going to be a really great day or a downright horrible day.

    I'm in sac, not LA, otherwise I would definitely be down for some Johnny Walker black on the rocks…that is a great choice…so smooth.

    2 out of 3 of my score releases, I got extremely drunk the night before, and woke up to a score. Passed one, failed one. Last score I was sober the night before and had a nightmare about it…I woke up right away and check and had a huge sense of relief.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Funny, I used to go there when I lived in NYC and came to LA every month for work…. Nice place.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95



    Sorry to hear about that……..

    about the fact that you're in Sacramento obviously! 🙂 How are the “Queens” doing?

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95


    i wonder why 5:30am in CA? I mean is there someone from the CA office that wakes up and hits the switch at 5:30am?


    italianCPA thats a good idea to hang out after 8/31. in fact im taking an exam on 8/31 and driving to LA to take this event a go?


    whonis2002, it probably is 5:30 or 6am. I just never got up that early to check so I am basing it off of my 7 or 8am time, hah.

    Edit: and regarding the time it is probably a cron job set to update then.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    LoL……..italianCPA thats below the belt dude its “Kings”

    Hey financeguy my brother leaves in Roseville I plan on being in your neck of the woods over the labor day weekend. Thats going to be my weekend of relaxation before I begin my journey with REG the following week.


    Well, unfortunately I had to switch from REG to BEC (thank God I did that, no way I could study for REG during two score releases) and the only available place was in San Diego, so I have my test there at 4:30pm so by the time I'm back it's gonna be late. Plus 9/1 is my birthday.

    Then it's labor's day weekend (I also have guests from NY). But what about the following weekend? My wife will be visiting her family in NYC and that weekend has Vegas written all over! 🙂

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

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