CA Licensing Question - Page 2

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  • #158897

    I’m getting ready to submit my paperwork to the CA Board and have a couple of questions some of you might be able to answer (or at least provide an opinion on 🙂

    I passed my last two parts in August and the scores haven’t been transferred to my record yet (they’re still showing as advisory scores only). Do I need to wait until I officially get credit for them (which I’m assuming will be sometime before the end of this month) or is it OK to submit the paperwork now?

    My second question has to do with the signature requirement for the experience portion of the application. I’ll be applying for the general license and the form requires two signatures (the first one from your supervisor who needs to be a CPA and the other one from a person with a higher level of responsibility within the organization than the first signer; however, he/she doesn’t need to be a CPA). The second signature is not required if the first signer is a business owner. I work for a governmental entity and my supervisor (the first signer, CPA) is an elected official who does not report to anybody else in the organization. I’m planning on submitting the application with just his signature and attaching a memo explaining that he’s elected and there isn’t anybody with a higher level of responsibility within the organization. Does that sound like a reasonable thing to do?

    Also, does it really take 12 weeks for the Board to issue a license? I would love to get the license (and the raise) before I go on maternity leave. Thank you for your answers and good luck to everybody.

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  • #255670

    This is the direct number to the licensing department.

    Tell them it has been over 2 weeks

    916 561 1701

    Let me know what happens


    Hi Pankit,

    Great news! I called them 3 days ago and was told the same lady who responded to you is the one who can advise. I got an email from her just 5mins ago. I think we are all set ! See below.



    In response to your email, Sections 5092 and 5093 of the California Business and Professions Code and Sections 12 and 12.5 of the California Board of Accountancy Regulations require that qualifying experience be performed in accordance with applicable professional standards and be performed under the supervision of an individual holding a valid and active license to practice public accountancy. The law does not indicate that experience be directly supervised by the licensee.

    Based on the above, if the active CPA within the business a few levels above you supervised the preparation of your work experience, he/she would qualify to complete and sign the Certificate of Experience on your behalf. Keep in mind if he/she is not the owner of the company a second signer of a higher level of responsibility is required to sign the Certificate of Experience as the second signer. The second signer is not required to hold a license to practice public accountancy.


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