Best way to portray you are a CPA candidate on your resume

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  • #174809

    Can everyone who is in the process of sitting for the exams post how and where they put this info on their resume?

    I was going to add a section to the bottom of my resume:

    Professional licensure:

    -CPA candidate – currently sitting for the CPA examinations

    Thanks for the ideas

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  • #685970

    The positioning depends on the format of your resume but I wouldn't put anything more than “CPA Candidate”. If you get the interview a good interviewer will ask for more info if that's an area of concern. Speaking from my own experience, I've been asked in every interview about my status/progress.


    Personally, I think it makes a big difference to put down something besides CPA candidate.

    My resume is as follows:

    CPA Candidate, My State (Certificate #)

    Previously it was

    CPA Candidate, My State (X Sections Passed)

    There's a big difference between someone who has applied for the exam and someone who has passed 3 sections of the exam. This way, when an employer is glancing at my resume they know how close I am to becoming licensed.

    NIU CPA Review Correspondence is awesome!

    I passed all four sections on the first attempt


    I think the biggest thing i want to portray is that i am “in the process of taking the exams” and not just throwing around the idea.

    A lot people say oh yeah im gonna be a CPA blah blah blah but they either havent met all the requirements or havent applied or are not studying.

    I currently have an accounting position but have not updated my resume since siting for the exams and need to do so in case another opportunity arises i have the best shot


    I understand what you're saying. However, personally, someone telling me they're in the process of taking the exams means little to me. I want to know how far along you are and if you've been successful. You don't need to tell me if you've failed but I want to know if you've passed.

    I signed up for the exams in 2009. I was technically in the process of taking them. I never did though and didn't finally take the exam until 2012.

    NIU CPA Review Correspondence is awesome!

    I passed all four sections on the first attempt


    “Professional licensure:

    -CPA candidate – currently sitting for the CPA examinations”

    I think that is fine but agree that if you've passed an exam or two, put it down! If you have not passed any yet, I wouldn't even mention that you've been sitting for them because that begs the question of how you've been doing.

    You can also always put CPA exam eligible and then expand upon your progress (or not) in your cover letter.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    When I interviewed during OCI this year, I put my exam progress under the education section of my resume. It said something like:

    CPA Exam– REG passed, BEC passed, other sections in progress.

    At pretty much every interview I went on, the interviewer had circled that line on my resume. I don't really think it matters exactly how you format the information, so long as you let them know if you have passed any sections.

    REG- 53, 91
    BEC- 88
    FAR- 62, 85
    AUD- 85

    Ethics- 93


    I did the same thing as sarah210 with one exception. I only listed the sections I had passed and made no mention of the other ones either being in process or failed, it was something that was good to talk about in the interview that I was currently working on a section. I also had the same experience where they came into the interview and had it circled on my resume and always asked about it. It's definitely not something you want to leave off your resume.

    FAR: 75 (JUL 12)
    AUD: 71 (AUG 12), 72 (OCT 12), 75 (JAN 13)
    REG: 77 (OCT 12)
    BEC: 79 (NOV 12)


    Don't let ANYONE tell you NOT to put it on your resume somehow. I know some people say ‘well technically you haven't accomplished anything until you've finished all 4, there's no such thing as a partial CPA' etc which is all true, but DO IT.

    As someone above said, on EVERY interview I went on in public accounting, the interviewers had that part circled on my resume, and it was the first thing they wanted to discuss, in detail. I got offers at every firm I interviewed at, with a couple telling me outright that I was the 1 applicant chosen from all interviewees because I was nearly done with my exams, and have my 150 credit hours completed. IT MATTERS.

    It's not the most professional looking thing in the world, but here's how I did mine…

    I have it at the top of my education section even though many advise to put it at the bottom, because TECHNICALLY if you follow the chronology used in the rest of your education section, the CPA exam IS the most recent thing I did.


    CPA exam 3 out of 4 sections passed 2012

    Also (if your resume includes an ‘objective') I mentioned it there as well:


    “I am seeking an entry-level job in public accounting for late 2012/early 2013, at which point I plan to have completed my last remaining CPA exam section”.

    Last year at this time I was interviewing for jobs as well, with no CPA mention on my resume and telling interviewers when they asked that I did plan on sitting for the exams throughout 2012. I received offers, but ultimately ended up taking the year off to focus on the exams. Upon re-interviewing this year, at some of the same firms, with ‘3 out of 4 CPA exams passed' on my resume, my salary offers were on average $15k higher than last year. The 3 CPA exams passed is the ONLY thing different on my resume from last year at this time. I'd say that is pretty telling. GET IT ON THERE! haha good luck!


    I would not put Professional licensure: CPA Candidate

    It's way too close for “Professional licensure: CPA” for my liking. Do what BrookeS said. Though, if you haven't taken any parts yet; say in your objective when you'd like to sit for your first exam. Also, don't sit for your first exam during the starting months either. (January, October)


    Gerg, CPA

    Professional Strengths: Pursuing CPA license in (insert state here)

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!


    I'd put it on your resume as: Successfully passed 4 sections of the CPA exam and they would know you were awaiting licensure. Another way is to put it as:

    CERTIFICATIONS: Certified Public Accountant Examination

    Auditing, May 2012

    Business, October 2011

    Financial, November 2012

    Regulation, February 2013

    Either way shows you are in process of passing the exam.

    Gerg, CPA

    BrookeS, how in the heck did you get a 99 on AUD? That section has been the bane of my existence

    FAR - 1/26/2012 - PASSED (78, but Lost credit), re-do 11/27/2013 - PASSED (87)!
    AUD - EPIC FAIL, 71, 69; 68; 5/25/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    REG - 10/1/2012 - 72; 7/1/2013 - 73 UGH, 10/1/2013 - PASSED (85)!
    BEC - 2/28/2013 - PASSED (82)!
    Licensed CPA!

    Used Becker self-study materials (just this for FAR original & REG #1), WileyTestBank, NINJA notes/audio, and Roger cram course for AUD #5, REG #3 & FAR reboot. CPA!


    thanks for the advice everyone. i will definitely be throwing around the different ideas and adding a section


    I am also studying for FAR for my first test, and was going to take in October.

    Why did Mjs157 say “Also, don't sit for your first exam during the starting months either. (January, October)”



    @horsehill – My guess would be because if you take it at the beginning of the window, then you can't sit for it again for at least 2 months, which makes it easier to lose the information. If you take the exam at the end of the window, then you can begin prepping again pretty soon after and sit for it again within a month in the event you don't pass.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo

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