I did the same thing back in January. Although, I did allow myself more time for FAR. However, I think it is totally do-able. You have to know your study habits and your limits though…and adjust accordingly.
FAR–I totally studied for this exam. The 1st seemed easy, 2nd was hard, 3rd was medium. My sims were ok, nothing way off base. Both were covered very well by Becker. So why the fail??? I totally used the wrong calc for one of my sims. And to think, I was soooo happy to see one that I had studied extensively. It was my very first CPA exam ever, so i went out to my car and looked over my notes and was immediately distressed. I had used the wrong formula!!! I was sooo angry. I came home and began googling cpa exam things and found this site. People were telling me it was ok maybe that will be the sim they throw out. I was leary considering the other sim was acctg 101. All that being said, make sure you know those calcs backwards and forwards. Listen to all the lectures and do all the questions. I even did the supplemental questions!! The last week before the exam was when i went back to do the final exams and simulations. Give up all things called LIFE and you will be able to do it.
BEC–My exam was brutal!! I cried during the exam, put my head in my hand and began to cry. I got frustrated because i knew i was going to fail. My recommendation…make sure you do every question and supplemental question..yes i know some are in the 100's but it will tremendously help you. Do not forget to look at the technical addendum on beckers site. CPAEXAMHELP.com offers free bec questions you can try. Lastly whatever you do, don't give up like i did. i was pissed off when i got my score of friggin 71. If i would have stayed focused and just tried, sucked it up, with no tears. I probably wouldn't be studying right now for a retake sometime in july!!
Hope this helps…good luck
IL - BECKER=============> DONE
REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95