BASE neumonic in financial

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  • #156994

    I am up to the second lecture and the teacher is referring back to the BASE neumonic that he said we learnt in the first lecture. I dont recall learning it. does anyone know what page its on in the far 2009 book or what it is…? Also how woul di contact one of the teachers with a question?

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  • #210389

    The same thing happened to me! It is not in the first chapter. I don't know what page it is but here is the formula:

    B – beginning balance

    A – additions

    S – subtractions

    E – ending balance

    If I find it in the book I will let you know!

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    Example of when you would use the formula is in Chapter 3 on page 14……..

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    I think the BASE mnemonic is essentially what you learned in college in your Accounting 101 class…..I don't think the mnemonic is any special formula. When you have to reconcile a set of numbers during the exam, I always find it's best to just use the old “T” account format, which is also the fastest and easiest way to memorize the reconciliation. I hope this helps 🙂


    The only reason I remembered BASE in Becker was from the REG section. Once you get going in FAR, you will see it more and more.


    BASE is a waste of a neumonic. It's really just a formula for common sense..begging bal + additions – subtraction = ending? if u have/end with 5 apples and began with 2 and bought 10, how many did you eat/subtract..


    thanks. i was just confused why he said we learnt it in lecture 1 if we didnt. anyways the problem isnt remmebering what b a s e stand for its knowing what to subtract and what to add in each specific problem question!


    Exactly styleforum! But after you work with the calculations throughout the section you will find it will come easier to you. I do agree with kroyal that the T account is easier and makes more sense.

    FAR- 70, 76 REG - 91 BEC - 80 AUD - 74, 85

    GA - NASBA state


    I do remember the lectures saying something about learning it earlier but it really isnt a big deal gl!

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