Are the simulations based on performance on MCQ's?

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  • #158194
    Please Let Me Pass

    I just took FAR and I’m not too sure how I did, but if I had to make a bet on it, I would say I failed. I have heard that the MCQ’s get harder depending on how you did on the previous sections, which I definitely noticed. I was wondering if this is the same for the simulations, i.e. does their difficulty depend on how you did on the multiple choice? The reason I ask is because on my second simulation, the communication was on a topic that is incredibly easy, on a topic that might appear in an intro to accounting class in the first week or so. Other than that communication I think I might have done ok, with a decent chance of passing, but if that question is any indication, I’m toast.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11

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  • Author
  • #234127

    Only MCQ testlets are adaptive.

    FAR - 7/26/10 - 95
    AUD - 8/10/10 - 88
    BEC - 8/31/10 - 88
    REG - 10/15/10 - 95

    Please Let Me Pass

    So the simulations are just completely random? That is a MASSIVE relief.

    FAR: 92
    REG: 94
    BEC: 89
    AUD: 1/07/11


    Also why they are challenging sometimes…

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86



    If you search the web for “scoring the CPA exam” there is an AICPA short document that explains the grading process. I have posted a link to the document a couple of times this window.

    MCQ are adaptive – sims are not. My guess is there are 1,000's pf MCQ but just a realatively few number of sims. To develop and test drive a new sim must be time consumming and challenging – no way they have 1,000s of those on hand – bet they are retired on a regular basis and the new ones are trotted out for our testing pleasure 😛


    Also only one written comm is graded, so it probably was not the easy one.

    REG 79 (Becker); BEC 63 (Becker) 70 (Yaeger); AUD 66 (Becker; 11/30 - Becker); FAR 11/24 (Yaeger/Wiley)

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