"Another91.com" - Page 3

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  • #158542

    After the last score release, it seemed like the only people posting their scores were people passing and passing BIG! That is fantastic to all those who passed but I just wanted to give a shout-out to those of us that are struggling.

    In the last few weeks I have been getting personal e-mails from people who don’t post on here and/or are ashamed of their scores. Please don’t be intimidated by all these awesome testers. You are not alone! I felt like a total idiot after I got my FAR score and thought, “Where are the people who didn’t pass?” and “What is wrong with me?”

    Please don’t feel this way. If I read “I didn’t finish my simulations and guessed on half the questions and got a 91” again, I will scream. Some people are just great at this. Not that they didn’t work hard and earn it, because I know they did. They deserve it. It does not come easily for me and no matter how much hope I get when I read these comments, I have learned that we are all different when it comes to sections of this exam. I was devasted when I got my scores because of all the people saying they “definitely failed” then scored high. I actually thought I knew enough to pass.

    How many times have you overanalyzed your testlet difficulty? Don’t! I have been driving myself crazy with that. Take each section, each question, one at at time and do your best. If that isn’t good enough, try something else. Don’t be ashamed. This forum started because of Jeff’s struggles. If you are having issues, please share them. I have gotten the best advice from people posting on here who failed numerous times and then succeeded. Ewww. I hate the word, “fail”. To quote Trevor’s signature line: “-You did not FAIL, you simply did not pass… failing means you gave up, and giving up is not even an option!”. Love that!

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  • #297920
    OH – CPA Hopeful

    I think there are a lot of people who fail a section but in their signature only list their passing score. This also makes it look like people pass at a higher rate than they do. Remember the pass rate for any given section is right around 50%. So for every person who passes there was one person who failed. The people who pass are the ones who are more likely to post it. I started following this website shortly after I failed AUD and REG for the second time and was down to two testing windows to pass both sections or lose my credit for BEC and FAR. I couldn't get the nerve up to post that I failed as many sections as I did until I finally passed. I also know what you mean about having to listen to people talk about how they bombed the test, skipped an entire simulation and then still passed with an 85 or higher. I don't know how many times I actually thought I had passed only to find out that I actually failed.

    FAR - 67,79 BEC - 71,73,81 AUD - 48,47,70,75 REG - 50,66,71,75


    Joey J what materials are you using to study for the CMA? I am interested in pursuing that cert. down the line.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86

    Joey J

    Florida_Candidate, you shouldn't fear REG. It is a LOT of memorizing, and it sounds like you are really good at that. REG is really not that bad at all, I am sure you will ace it. I struggled with a few multiple choice per testlet and parts of the simulation because they looked a bit alien to me (like Potatogun and a few others observed as well). And if you think doing both the CMA and CPA together this year is crazy, then maybe I shouldn't tell you that I also took and passed both Levels 1 &2 of the FRM (risk management), CFA Level 2, and these CPA and CMA endeavors. No, I don't deserve any kudos. It takes a lot of commitment in addition to work, and it has crimped my social life a bit. But, I have plans that transcend just work goals, so these are all very relevant to me. Last year, I completed some supply chain management/operations management certifications (CPIM, CSCP) and valuation credentials (CVA: CPA pass pending). All of this fits strongly into what I have done in my career and going forward plan, so I'll suck it up. Truthfully, I really love it. I have decided to put a lot of other things in personal life on hold (considering my experience with my last girlfriend, that may be a good thing!), so I NEED to get this done this year, otherwise it will be a lot of sacrifice for naught. And I don't want that.

    Potatogun, I am using Gleim's complete system for the CMA. I did a lot of due diligence on systems, and I hear that's the best. Plus, they have a flat pass guarantee (not like Becker, whose guarantee is contingent on a few things), which is always a plus. I am WAY behind on studies, but will crank through it this month at nights and on weekends. My first exam is mid-month, and the second one is later this month. I am excited for it. Keep me posted on your CMA pursuits, and I will do the same. I am a BIG fan of the CMA and it's curriculum. It really doesn't get enough reputation and marketing out there.


    I had a college proffesor once say, If you passed with more than a seventy five you study to hard. I do not post my scores because I am ashamed, I do not post them because who really cares about the number as long as you passed!!!! If you pass with a 75 your a CPA if you pass with a 95, guess what, your a CPA. If you failed a few times on the way guess what your a CPA.

    FAR: Passed 4/12 | BEC: Passed 5/31 | AUD: Passed 7/19 | REG: Passed 8/30


    Thanks for the info Joey J. I hope all your hard work pays off. I'd keep you posted but the CMA is way down the line for me so who knows when I will get there. Thanks for sharing your experiences a bit.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    @OH – CPA Hopeful – i was thinking the same how people only post the passing scores. i get the most motivation when i see posts from people that took the exam 5+ times and still did not give up and passed. looks like i'm on the same track as you, lol!!

    @Joey J – you are a BEAST!!!!!



    Joey J

    Potatogun, no problem. I wish you the best on your CPA and CMA endeavors, obviously. We all have our own individual goals, and it's great that we can all share on this site without ego, bravado, etc. Not like other sites where everyone is just out to brag, act belligerently, do each other in, be divisive, etc. It's a shame why folks have to act like that. I think it's so cool on this site that people can speak humbly about their goals, scores, testing experiences, etc. Whether someone passes with 90's scoring, or multiple times in the 70's, or not quite passing yet, we all approach it the same way: as colleagues.

    NolifeCPA, no, I am not a beast. Just a guy like everyone else on this board that has certain goals (work, academic, etc.). But thanks, lol! And many times on sunny days and weekends when the world is out there playing and I am buried behind a desk all day and night studying, it sure feels that I have “no life”. But hey, that's all part of it, no? Makes the time we do have off that much more valuable and precious. There was a guy who posted yesterday that after his exam he went out for sushi, Fat Tire beer and just a day off from studying/working. That's how I feel. Those little moments of rest are just so simple, yet so cherished.


    I'd rather have goals and tangible (ok well maybe they aren't always physical) strides towards improvement versus no direction or mindless fun. Even in my hobbies and passionate pursuits I have things I want to improve towards or achieve.

    So “no life” or “life” is whatever you want to make of it. If bolting down and getting studying done gets you to your goals, I wouldn't consider it to the detriment of your life; rather, you're just seeking to improve it.

    FAR 92 - AUD 91 - REG 94 - BEC 86


    I need some advise for someone who worked fulltime a 40 hours week office job and used Yaeger home study to pass the FAR. I am a very average student and using yaeger. It is hard to manage time for me sometimes with my fulltime job and MBA classes two night a week. I don't remember a thing that i studied two weeks ago. I would like to know how you manage your time within busy schedule. Also any tips are welcome.

    REG-66,64(Q3 2015),80 (11/30/2015)


    Florida Candidate, I failed AUD with a 71. I passed FAR with a 92, but I burned my eyes throughout the process.

    I failed AUD because of the following reasons:

    I only watched the lectures twice.

    I didn't practice any multiple choice question.

    I went to the exam with nothing in my head, and still managed to get a 71.

    How much time did you studied for AUD?


    @ christian2823 – I studied for 4 weeks at least half a day every day (at least 4 hours per day) for AUD… and that sucks I'm sorry 🙁 I can't imagine what it feels like to get a 92 on FAR and then a 71 on AUD. But, hey if you got a 71 with like nothing in your head that's pretty dang awesome! Apparently you won't have to study too much more to get that 75… 😀

    p.s. the MC's for audit were really important for me because it got me used to the tricky way they word questions sometimes… like you can know the material but sometimes the wording of the question can throw you off…

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    I did the CMA and CFM in 2001, I really do not remember if it was hard or not. The only reason why I am doing the CPA is because I was promise the vacant Dir of Finance position if I pass it. I am a controller for a NYC Not for Profit Org. for the pass 6 years.

    ACCA (London - CPA)

    BEC(4/17)-90, REG(5/28)-88, AUD (7/11)-83, FAR (8/31)- 90


    Well I am one of the ppl that cpawannabe is referring to about sending an email to say that i failed. I have to admit i was pissed because the first time I took BEC, I too, CRIED. Right there in the exam, literally, tears running down my face. I just couldn't believe it. I gave up and just chose an answer because i was sure that i was beyond failing!! I have posted that many times on this site. Well, I got my score and I friggin got a 71. So naturally I was pissed because I felt that if I didnt give up I may have had a chance.

    So the second time I took BEC I felt WAAAAAAYYYY more comfortable, I knew those calculations. I also knew i missed some sox stuff but i really felt like i did good only to get a 68. I was dumbfounded because I was smiling throughout the test because I felt like i knew that stuff. Only to get that score, I probably would have posted it here but i was mad and today is my first day back after a long time away from this site.

    I took FAR this past sunday and I ran out of time. that is the first time that has ever happened to me for any test. So only time will tell how i did.

    AUD hell what do i even say about it…I failed miserably with a 53. I am planning a retake hopefully for Oct 16. I am patiently waiting to see if I will be picked up for the new contract or if I will be laid off. I dont care 1 way or the other because if I am laid off good for me. Then i can study more for aud and bec (for the 3rd time). But it would also be nice to be gainfully employed because i do need cash to survive LOL.

    REG — I passed with an 80 on my first try. I agree about the posting of what your passing score is because it is only a score you passed who cares about the number. I remember back in college a professor told us this….

    What do you call a person who finished last in their program studying to become a doctor???? A DOCTOR…your doctor will never tell you hey I finished medical school last in my class. Nope he is still going to charge you the going rate. Same way with Lawyers and eventually the same way with us!! We will eventually become CPA's and I dont plan on placing a note on my door….Hi welcome to Monique's cpa firm by the way I failed bec twice, far and aud once, but passed reg on my first try…guess you better only ask me tax and bus law questions!!

    Well good luck to all and remember that sometimes our brains need a rest from all this studying to recouperate. I am on a break right now. But I will pick up AUD again hard and heavy soon!! I am thinking Sunday???

    I will say this if Florida Candidate reads this post i would like to ask you some questions can you email me @ moniquehenderson28@gmail.com.

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    I am gonna play devil's advocate, but I honestly do not think that by passing all 4 parts of the CPA exam on your first try makes you a better accountant. Ya, definitely kudos to you for doing it and I think that is great, but sorry to say some people could just be really good test takers and not know a THING about real world accounting. It is one thing to take these exams and pass…it is QUITE another to work at an accounting firm and actually be in charge of doing the fieldwork for an audit or putting together financial statements or preparing a tax return. The exam is all academic and if you did well in school and had good study habits…you should be able to do it. I did very well in school, but clearly my study habits were horrible and that I really needed to step it up. The exam has taught me a lot about myself.

    I have 3 exams officially done so far and did not pass any on my first try. I choose to only put my passing scores in my signature because bottom line…I PASSED. I have NO problem letting people know that I failed BEC multiple times and finally just passed it after switching from Becker to Yaeger. I agree with magic eight ball that at the end of the day…you are a CPA. Nobody gives two $h!ts if you passed all 4 on the first try. I feel like this website is geared towards candidates who struggle…just like Jeff did (hence “another71”). Again, I am not knocking anybody for passing on the first try…but your story is boring! 🙂 I wanna hear about heartache, sacrifice, struggle and finally…triumph!! THAT is motivating and encouraging and the REAL WORLD. Of course we are all “sacrificing” but some more than others. I definitely agree with financeguy that you need a balance in your life.

    That is my two cents 🙂

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!


    So basically – KEEP AT IT. You know why only 50% of candidates pass right? People GIVE UP. Yes of course, some people just aren't cut out for it and the AICPA has to weed those people out – it's life. It's what makes lawyers, doctors, CPAs “professionals”…not everybody can be one because it devalues what it stands for.

    Keep pushing!!

    AUD - 84; REG - 90; BEC - 79; FAR - 75; ALL DONE!!

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