2 Months to Study for FAR

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    I use Becker, and FAR is 9 chapters long. Starting to study this wk, and planning to take the test on Feb28.

    Is 2 months enough time to study for FAR? did well on AUD and BEC, yet, this one got twice the material as it seems.

    Any advice is welcome.


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  • #268787

    Hey Amit,

    I personally think 2 months is sufficient if you have a good study plan. I've seen that Jeff recommends 6-8 weeks @ 20 hours per week for FAR and if you follow that you should be fine.

    Also, I know that FAR is twice in volume as compared to BEC and AUD, so I think its important to go on reviewing what you have learned. For instance, you can't do Ch.1 in the first couple of days and then review it only after you are done with the other 8 Chs,

    Good Luck Studying 🙂

    Need a Napa


    I passed FAR after studying for exactly 2 months using ExamMatrix. I'd guess I spent somewhere between 100 and 120 hours total studying. I've heard a lot of people say 200 hours is the magic number for FAR. You can do it, but you'll probably want to start studying as soon as possible… Good luck!

    BEC - 83 (8/31/2010)
    FAR - 85 (11/30/2010)
    AUD - 82 (2/27/2011)
    REG - 87 (5/31/2011)


    TKS, i am aiming for Feb28 to be my exam date.

    Hopefully I can make it 🙂

    Tks again for the advice.


    I think the more representative unit of measure is hours, not months. I studied for AUD for 3 ‘months' and got an 82. I studied 9 days for REG and scored a 79. It's all about the hours and quality of hours. At some point you'll need to sit down with zero distractions and 1) learn the material; 2) learn the AICPA's quirky style of testing the material; 3) learn how to ‘guess' with better-than odds; and 4) forget how to have ‘fun'

    Seeing that you've scored in the 90s on two tests, just keep doing what you're doing?!

    -- Formerly known as 'PeterOlinto' --

    AUD - 82 (Expires 1/31/11); REG - 79 (Expires 5/31/12)
    BEC - 85 (Expires 5/31/12); FAR - 85 (Sat 1/4/11) DONE!!!!


    2 months is the perfect amount of time. Depending on the individual, if you start sooner you begin running into the problem of forgetting the earlier material.

    Or at least I did………6-8 weeks is a good time frame for this exam…..


    @cpawannabee – Did you study 20 hours / week or more?

    I actually had the same exact question and am starting Yaeger, but there are 50 hours of lectures alone. Plus pushing it back to April just pushes back every testing section to a tight 6 – 8 week studying plan w/o minimal breaks. Any studying advice would be great too! Are the Ninja notes worth it?


    I spent 1 1/2 hours each morning studying (5:00am-6:30am) and 3-4 hours each weekend morning (6 or 7 until 10 or 11).

    BTW – one of the best tips I received was to play the Yaeger lectures in “fast” mode. Doing this reduces a one hour lecture to 45-50 minutes. This will still allow you to stop, take notes, then hit play again.

    I listened to the Audit lectures (all 5 of them) about 10 times each. I only got to listen to the FAR lectures (all 20 of them?) 2 times each. But they really helped!

    Good luck!


    Depending on your your lifestyle (like working full time, having a family, etc), will determine the adequate time frame for you to study before taking the exam. I over killed this section as far as putting in study time. Then again, I only work part time, and spent the majority of my time studying. I used Becker and thought they did a fantastic job with the FAR section. Anyway, good luck!


    Hi everyone – I didn’t start this thread by I’m in kind of the same boat so I guess I’ll piggyback.

    I’m working on the Yaeger FAR HomeStudy. I began working on 1/2/11, and I’m scheduled for 2/26. The good news is that the material has been very helpful, and I think I’m picking up on what’s being taught. The bad news is that after four nights, I’ve pretty much have only finished the first of 15 CDs and I haven’t gone in-depth into MCQs or SIMS or anything. I’ve just been watching, pressing pause, and taking notes. My notes need a lot of work, as I pretty much just read along as Cindy read IFRS from the text.

    As I type this, I have (I think) 51 nights left before the exam… that’s 34 weekdays, 16 weekend days, and 1 holiday (President’s Day). I work full time, and plan on studying two hrs/night/week day, and four hours/weekend day. President’s Day will be a study festival.

    This is my first effort to study for any portion of the exam, so I’m very nervous about budgeting my time. Basically I’m worried about taking two hours to complete every hour of lecture, and being left with maybe 30 study hours to do MCQs, rewrite notes, and do a final review (and CRAM?). Am I looking at something the wrong way? Could I just be taking notes very inefficiently if it takes me two hours to type notes for one hour of lecture? (I like Cindy, but Lord she talks quickly.) Should I also budget time for the Wiley Test Bank?

    Thanks for any help!

    PS – My ace in the hole is that this is my first attempt at any portion, so I could reschedule the exam to the next window without worrying about losing a passing score (NTS expires in May).

    Back at it.

    FAR - 55, 72, 73, May 2016
    AUD - 69, July 2016
    REG - Late 2016
    BEC - Late 2016


    Sorry about the bump, but I think I have a more specific question here…

    I'm using Jeff's method of videos and notes before hitting the questions. My FAR exam is on 2/26, so I think I will do only videos and notes until maybe 1/29. I figure I'll have time to get in maybe 35 of the 51 hours of lecture.

    If anyone has used the FAR Yaeger HomeStudy course, are there any sections of the DVDs that you think could be skipped, in favor of just doing MCQs and SIMs? Or, were there any modules you struggled with and had to make sure you watched?

    Back at it.

    FAR - 55, 72, 73, May 2016
    AUD - 69, July 2016
    REG - Late 2016
    BEC - Late 2016


    I did it in four weeks; you have plenty of time!!!!

    REG - August 2, 2010 - 80
    BEC - October 1, 2010 - 79
    FAR - November 1, 2010 - 79
    AUD - November 30, 2010 - 69, Retaking February 14, 2011


    UPDATE: Jeff's new NINJA study planner is the BOMB!! He uses Excel so you can customize to what you are actually studying and there is a sum at the bottom of expected hours needed to study for each part! I added a couple of weeks to the timeline as well. Plus there's a more detailed breakdown of what to study. This pretty much answers all of our questions. Yaeger Homestudy with lectures is totally helping me more than when i just studying for FAR on my own with the Becker book and Wiley practice software. Download… The… Ninja… Planner…!


    It really all depends on you. How you study and how you learn. I think its possible, but I hate being pressed for time so for me 2 months would be cutting it close.


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