Official I Passed FAR Thread - Page 25

  • This topic has 400 replies, 151 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by aegmoogh.
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  • #2119377

    Passed with a 77! So thankful that's over


    First time taking FAR, got an 83! Thought I did extremely well on M.C and then bombed sims, especially final testlet. Pretty much guess on 2 of the 3 sims on last sims.

    How I passed. Few videos from fastforwardacademy (I purchased) that I didnt understand from Ninja Cpa books. Tried to do all the ninja questions once by selecting one topic at a time. Redid the ones I struggled after learning the material. So did about 2000 mc questions and 0 sims. Hope this helps for others. Learn the concept and then do mc questions!

    Y05H1 3GG

    I passed FAR with a 76 on my first try. I got a lot more Governmental/Non-profit than I was prepared for on MCQ, but felt solid about about all of the SIMs except for one.


    Passes FAR for the second time with a 77.

    Only managed to take a week off right before exam to study and mainly focused on Govt and NFP. I guess that paid off. 😀


    I honestly thought I was going to fail while sitting for my first exam early December (FAR). FAR IS A MONSTER FOR SURE. I took a whole week off to study prior to the exam and about 5-6 weeks total. I still felt like I wasn't prepared at all (but in the end, no one is ever “fully” prepared). I told myself I'll be happy with over a 60 on my first attempt but ended up passing the exam with a score over 80. Please don't give up even when you feel like it's overwhelming. It is! Delete social media, tell your friends you'll be offline, and treat yourself once a day to get your mind off all the studying. It's not a test of how smart you are but about discipline. I think exposing yourself to as many MCQ's and SIMs is key in addition to having a good grasp on all the topics (for ex: major GAAP vs IFRS differences, NFP & Governmental Accounting, Accounting for investments, FS Accounts, Adjusting JE's, ETC;). I am using Becker as my study material and after Chapter 3 I stopped watching lectures and only took notes based of the annotated textbook to save time. I made sure I got through 50% of the MCQ's per module. Even with this study method and being able to cover all the material, I took the mock exams days before the exam and never scored over 45%. I'm telling you. You'll be shocked. Have some self-belief (I should too). There is hope. #thistooshallpass


    Failed REG last year in Aug with a 68 and was super devastated. Retook it this month and passed with an 82. Thank god don't have to worry about tax reform laws…

    AUD is my last exam


    I somehow passed far with an 82. I have no idea how. I cried during that exam and submitted my testlet early.


    I passed with a 77! I found out during the last score release, but I didn't see this thread then.

    I'm tired of operating in fear and mediocrity. It's time to try. It's time to do. It's time to go.


    Passed with a 75.


    I can't believe it that I passed after long failing scores!
    First exam: 42
    Second exam: 64
    Third exam: 72
    Forth exam: 73
    Finally a passing score: 76

    God is Great!
    Failure only makes you stronger. Just Do Not Give UP!!!


    Passed with an 87. Studied with Becker for about 2 weeks (~25 total hours). I'm a student fresh out of Intermediate I and II and was a TA for Int I. Certainly helped. I wrote a longer post with my thoughts called “Thoughts On FAR” if interested. Moving on to AUD. Good luck everyone and have a nice day!


    Passed FAR with a 91! Two down, two to go.


    Totally shocked. I felt for sure I failed the exam given how hard the first testlet of MCQs felt. But somehow I got an 91. 😀


    Congratulations to everyone who passed FAR in Q3!
    I can't believe I passed with a 92! That exam was ridiculously obscure and I didn't feel like my 2nd MCQ testlet was harder; just trickier if anything.


    Got an 84 in FAR!

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