@satyakatiwal, sorry about your results. I had at least 50-60min on the last testlet, I don't remember exactly. But I had plenty of time because I got through the MCQ in 55min. I think you really need to be more decisive in MCQs. Don't over-think it. Read the last sentence first, determine what the question is asking, and then eliminate which choices are not correct. If you approach it methodically, make a decision about which choice is best, and then move on, I think you can do better. In my experience over-thinking and doubting my answer leads to getting it wrong. Even if you are very unsure, it's better to make an educated guess than to waste precious time analyzing it–you have a 25% chance anyway, so better to save all the time you can for the Sims where you have to formulate your own response. Practice like this in your review and try to get down to 60-90 seconds per MCQ.
Best of luck as you continue. You can and will succeed!