Official I Passed FAR Thread

  • This topic has 400 replies, 151 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by aegmoogh.
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  • #815712

    We lost these awesome posts in the transition – I'll be recovering them and posting here.

    I look forward to the new round of “I Passed” posts. Thanks everyone.


    I passed FAR!!! Thanks to Roger CPA and Ninja MCQ! I was so doubtful because I didn't get to finish 2 Sims but I guess the lord made a way and I passed on my first try. Thank you Jesus!!


    Like my above passer aogreen, I passed the test using Roger CPA review. First testlet was ok. There were some questions that I flagged (around 6) that I absolutely did not know. The second testlet did not seem to change at all. This is when I went into “f-it mode” and began my “know it, answer it. Don't know it, flag and come back” method. The third testlet definetly kicked up a notch to the difficult questions. Questions went to about 6 sentences in length.

    Simulations were my bread and butter. I never practiced them on the test prep except for cash flows which may or may not have popped up on the exam. I was able to work my way through most of them with realitive ease. did the research first which wasn't as clear as I thought those type of questions would be in the prep. Then I hovered over questions to see what I was comfortable with and the opposite and answered them in that order. I came into the sims with about 1:30 left and I did not finish the last sim.

    My advice for anyone studying for the exam is to try your best and keep chugging no matter how much some topics suck. I am a masters of accounting student who graduated summa cum laude in undergrad and I still struggled with self doubt when I would get hung up. The other important thing I would like to stress is to give yourself enough time to go back every week or so to review everything you did in the past. I screwed up here and ended out rescheduling twice. The last week I gave myself three full days to hit multiple practice exams (minus the sims). And I'll tell you, the results were never greater than 75. Don't give up!!!!


    I sat for FAR after three weeks and 235 hours of study time using Roger, Ninja Notes, and Ninja MCQ. First time experiencing a test that crushes a person's spirit. I was close to walking out after the second testlet. After the exam, I knew I had failed and it completely destroyed me for three days. Received my score and to my utter surprise, I passed with an 83. Still, have zero ideas how I pulled an 83 but I am so happy to have my confidence restored.


    I passed FAR with a 77.
    Becker textbook 2014 version (no lecture, no MCQ), NINJA notes, NINJA MCQ.


    Finally squeaked by with a 76. This was my 5th go around with the beast. Such a relief to get past it. Now on to AUD and BEC!

    REG - 79
    FAR - ?
    AUD - ?
    BEC - ?


    Congrats to all. Hope to tackle FAR in the 4th Qtr


    Hello everyone, all happy ones!
    Just found out i passed my FAR. First try and I feel supper happy. I've studied for 5 weeks using Roger and NINJA mcq. After exam i felt like i failed. So I jumped into studying REG so i could pass at least one exam during this summer.
    During exam i was going crazy, questions seemed to be too hard right from the beginning. I ran out of time and wasn't able to answer the research question. Still got 84 and have no clue how i managed that.
    Good luck to everyone! I have one more to go.



    REG - 10/12/2015 77
    AUD - 01/06/2016 75
    BEC - 01/16/2016 75
    FAR - 02/27/2016 68 Retake 05/13/16 70 Retake TBD


    PASSED FIRST TRY!!!! 82 I used Gleim exclusively just like Audit. Could not be happier!!!!!!!!!! Only two more to go BEC & REG

    B - 11/11/16
    A - 4/16/16 87!!
    R - 2/17/17
    F - 7/26/16 - Waiting for 8/23


    Just found out I passed FAR with an 81 thanks to Roger CPA!! The news just made my day and I feel a boost of motivation moving forward. Congrats to all!!


    Passed first try with a 94!! Got an 92 and 88 on the two practice exams for becker

    FAR- taken 8/11/ the wait begins
    AUD- scheduled 9/8/16
    BEC- scheduled 10/9/16
    REG-scheduled 12/10/16

    Live a few years like most people won't, to live the rest of your life like most people can't.


    FINALLY get to post here!

    AUD 88 (expired), 80 retake
    FAR 64,69,67,73,67,73,73,73, August 3
    REG 75 (expired) September 7
    BEC 72, 77

    The adventure continues...


    Yay, CPA50! So happy for you!!


    91 on FAR, thank God! Studying for this one really drained me. CPAexcel here, congrats to all! 2 down, 2 more to go.

    AUD- 98 2/24/16

    Self Study CPAExcel

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