Did killing zombies actually help me pass FAR?

  • Creator
  • #188016

    Fact: I took out my exam review frustrations on fake zombies on my iPhone on study breaks over an extended 4-month study period this year, aimed at ending my repeated suffering on FAR. (Most recently, a 71.)

    Result: I got an 81 on August 6.

    Direct correlation? It’s loose, at best. But what I learned is that my brain can get fatigued while preparing for an exam, especially if I’m doing it SLOWLY. Letting loose and bashing some brains in on my phone every so often really helped me keep calm and keep moving forward.

    (Zombieville, USA is the game. Hey…if it works, right?)

    BEC: 79, AUD 78, FAR: 81, REG: 61 (best attempt…now my last one needed to pass)

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  • Author
  • #588488

    I take breaks at least every half hour or so. Your brain can only handle so much before you just stare at the computer or book and not comprehend anything. I've heard of some people using the Pomodoro method, which seems to work pretty well.

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