Worrying about Sims!!

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  • #177601

    So I took FAR almost a week ago, and I haven’t stopped worrying about the sims!! Is it normal to feel like you did so poorly on the sims?

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  • #425364

    Yes, it is completely normal. Check out the FAR exam experience thread here on the forums and you will find many people that felt like they totally failed because of SIMS. Some still pass, some still fail.

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015


    Yes, I think so. I thought there was no way I passed. The questions were extremely difficult and the dialogue I had going on with myself during the test was pretty poor. At one point I actually thought “I could take this test 10 times and not pass it!”


    My SIMS were awful, even though I felt pretty prepared going into the exam. I hate when you look up stuff afterward and it confirms you were wrong 🙁

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed


    I'm worrying about my SIMS too. I just took the exam yesterday and I'm pretty sure I got 3 of the questions completely wrong, including the research question 🙁


    How is Sim being scored? Would Sim be only either Zero or 100%?

    During my practice, out of the 20 Sims I did, I only probably got 3-4 correct. Most of them, I would get, for instance AU- 337.06 while the correct one should be AU-337.08.

    We should get at least get 50% for getting the section correct even if the paragraph is not. I wish!


    I felt great about my REG MC and when I got to the Sims I wanted to cry. I was sure I failed because of the Sims but I ended up passing. For BEC I assumed the people grading my written communication would laugh and pass my exam around because of how bad my answers were but I ended up getting a comparable grade on those even though I didn't pass the exam. I think everyone feels like that about some portion of each exam.

    REG - 78
    BEC - 74, 67, 69, 69, 70, 79
    FAR - 76
    AUD - 69, 69, 69, 74, 85

    Licensed Louisiana CPA

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein


    It is so nice to see other people who have passed FAR mention that they felt like the sims kicked them in the groin after leaving the testing room! Hopefully some day someone will see a passing grade in my signature and find inspiration! If you don't see a passing score, hopefully this won't de-motivate you!!



    “For BEC I assumed the people grading my written communication would laugh and pass my exam around because of how bad my answers were…” – This is exactly how I feel at the moment about upcoming BEC and its written section. But it is funny to read from others and recognize the same universal fears!

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂



    I actually went through all of the discussion boards to see all of the devastating FAR posts of people who wound up passing. I found that it really gave me confidence to get through it on my last attempt! I really think confidence can make or break you with these exams.

    AUD-84, REG-75, BEC-84, FAR-77

    Licensed CPA

    CIA Exam
    Part 1 - Passed
    Part 2 - Passed
    Part 3 - Passed

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