Why FAR is greater than 1/4 of the CPA Exam

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  • #174562

    Hello everyone! I have an interesting theory about the relevance of FAR in the context of the complete CPA Exam. It goes like this:

    “Once a candidate has passed FAR, their chances of passing BEC and AUD (and maybe REG… haven’t got there yet…) increase.”

    FAR is the monster of the exam. It seems to me that it covers nearly twice as much material as any of the other three exams. Furthermore, much of the diverse material covered in FAR relates to material covered in BEC and AUD. Here are a few examples:

    1. Many of the ratios covered in FAR are also covered in AUD and BEC.

    2. FAR covers detailed journal entries and other considerations for the different Balance Sheet accounts. This material is useful when learning about Finance topics covered in BEC and doing simulations on journal entry effects in AUD.

    3. When you study the vast FAR material and pass FAR, your “accounting vocabulary” and confidence increase. These will help you answer questions on future exams more eficiently and effectively.

    I took FAR first, then BEC, then AUD. I studied hardcore for FAR and passed it on my first try. I feel like the “benefits” of studying for FAR were more than just passing the exam. The knowledge I obtained helped me study for and pass BEC and AUD. When considering the amount of material FAR is, and these extra benefits from studying for it and passing, I feel it is really greater than 25 % of the CPA Exam (maybe around 40%). I hope these observations made sense! Good luck to everyone!

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  • #382580

    and I hear sit, taking FAR last. 🙁


    I passed FAR first, I still don't know how, but it took forever to pass BEC and REG was a nightmare child! So now I'm down to needing one credit, FAR! She's such a heartless @itch!


    I thought FAR was hands down the toughest exam and not just because of the volume. I felt like the tests were more detailed then the others too. Add to that heavy amounts of calcuations and for me it was a big challenge. I believe if you can pass FAR, then the rest are completely doable.


    I took FAR last and scored well on all exams. BUT I have years of accounting experience which may have gotten me through the other exams.

    Your theory definitely makes sense.

    Jeanne Aparicio

    B - 75 (11/2011, First Attempt)
    A - 88 (2/2012, First Attempt)
    R - 89 (5/2012, First Attempt)
    F - 79 (8/31/2012 First Attempt)


    Licensed Florida CPA 09/2012


    @Kricket, I am in the same boat as you. I took FAR first and passed it on my first try but now here I am studying it again because I lost it.


    @bnrhilton – I am taking it 11/21. Maybe we can meet somewhere in the middle next weekend and go over notes or quiz each other. Send me a Facebook message if you are game.


    When you pass any exam section, your odds of passing the others increase because it shows that you are somewhat capable, this is especially true for FAR because of the amount of material or for REG, because of the foreigness of material (to many).

    Personally, most of my “acounting vocab” from FAR was learned in school. And I think that BEC actually has the most overlap between the other 3 sections. It covers financial statements a little bit, retirement plans, auditing standards, COSO, …etc. So, everything else being equal, if you want to prepare for the beast of exams to follow and get your feet wet in a wide range of topics to be tested in those future exams, my advice is to take BEC first.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course


    ^ I hope that is true! I just learned a couple weeks ago I passed BEC so lets hope that translates well into FAR. I take it next week and am scared to death.

    BEC - 85
    FAR - 72, 80
    REG - 79
    AUD - 81

    Used only Becker. Let the book burning begin!


    Sorry double post

    BEC - 85
    FAR - 72, 80
    REG - 79
    AUD - 81

    Used only Becker. Let the book burning begin!

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