When to enter zeros in simulations??

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  • #2804397

    Hi! I am taking FAR on December and I’m having a hard time figuring out when to enter or not the zeros on the simulations. I am using Becker and the instructions aren’t always clear. I just did a progress test of 8 sims and got a 42% because of this silly mistake. When I went back and corrected the mistake, it turns out I really got an 81%! I’m worried this might affect me on exam day. Any advice on how to know when to enter them or not? Are the exam instructions clearer than those in Becker? I’ll appreciate any help you guys can provide!

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  • #2804463

    For far I def had a sim that said to enter zeroes. It will tell you in the instructions. Sometimes it will say you don’t need to enter anything so just pay close attention to all instructions especially if all numbers should be entered as a positive or also as negatives.


    Just make sure you read what the sims want. You can refer to the sample exams on the AICPA website. It will clearly tell you what to enter if no answer is needed. Too many people lose points because they are in a rush to finish the problem.


    Agree with the others. It is crucial that you read the problem through very carefully to see exactly what they want.
    The instructions will be very clear. I also highly encourage all candidates to check out the AICPA sample exams to get a feel for what the actual test SIMs will be like.
    The samples are fluff compared to the real deal, but you will more likely than not find them extremely helpful.


    Ahhhh. This just took my confidence level way down for the score release. Bummer.

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