What topics are popular on FAR exam?

  • Creator
  • #193079
    Master the CPA exam

    Hello all,

    So I am currently studying using CPA excel and the ninja audio notes, I am scheduled to take FAR on May 30th. I just wanted to know what topics are popular on the exam and which topics I should really know. I know GOV/NFP is important and I have just started bonds… Any suggestions….

    FAR - May 2015 - 69
    BEC - TBD
    REG - TBD
    AUD - TBD

    Wiley CPA Excel, Wiley Test Bank, & Ninja Audio Notes

    "Fight through the pain, so you can live like a CHAMPION"

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  • Author
  • #660574

    I am also using CPAexcel (plan to hopefully incorporate NINJA MCQs as well) and am also scheduled to take my exam May 30th. This will be my first time, so I can't be of any real help but I just wanted to say good luck to you!


    Same here. Studying for FAR using CPAexcel and plan to sit at the end of May. From my experience with take REG twice, anything is fair game. I am planing to get comfortable with every single topic using Ninja MCQ. Ninja MCQ is probably the best product out there for review and has great analytics to target your weak areas. Once you get all your weak areas up to par, you'll be set. I would recommend checking out the Ninja MCQ trending scores thread.

    REG - 68, 81
    FAR - June 2016
    AUD - 58, 63, 84
    BEC - 71, 79

    CPAexcel (Gold), Ninja Audio, and Ninja MCQ

    "Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful"


    Know everything in your study materials. Every test is different and divulging the information you are requesting is borderline with both the rules of this website and the rules of the AICPA.

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