What goes through your head the night before exam day?

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  • #193893

    FAR is my first exam so I’m trying to remain calm. I’ve done a ton of studying. Trending at 83% and have about 65% overall average. Got a 66 and 72 on my practice exams.

    I’ll probably wake up tomorrow and go over ninja notes one last time before heading to the exam center.

    I’m worried I’m going to forget stuff! How do you guys deal with it? Did you have Ninja scores like mine?

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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  • #665001

    “God, I hope I don't have to look at this material again.” – Me before the exam

    “The reward for work well-done is more work.”

    BEC - 05/26/2015 77
    AUD - 07/27/2015 88
    FAR - 08/31/2015 80
    REG - 11/30/2015 73, 04/18/2016 80 Done!!!


    Get a good night of sleep and go over your notes in the morning. You'll do just fine on the exam.

    “The reward for work well-done is more work.”

    BEC - 05/26/2015 77
    AUD - 07/27/2015 88
    FAR - 08/31/2015 80
    REG - 11/30/2015 73, 04/18/2016 80 Done!!!


    When I take AUD in three weeks, all I'll be thinking is about the next building over where this Mediterranean restaurant is located which had an awesome cheeseburger and fries. It may explain my my REG score was so high. The sad part is that I'm not joking either.


    Whatever it takes, bro. Lol

    “The reward for work well-done is more work.”

    BEC - 05/26/2015 77
    AUD - 07/27/2015 88
    FAR - 08/31/2015 80
    REG - 11/30/2015 73, 04/18/2016 80 Done!!!


    @ Tchole .. Getting a good nights sleep and clearing your head is extremely important. The one test I failed I stayed up way to late and only got 3 hours of sleep. For my last test I didn't study at all the day before or day of and was so much more relaxed. This helped me access some long term memory. I wish I had this approach on my previous tests just for my nervous systems sake.

    @Skynet.. yes, nothing better than one of those world famous Mediterranean Cheeseburgers.


    Believe me, it just wasn't the chesseburger itself but the large pile of fries that came with it too. Thick cut, hot, crispy, soft in the middle, and perfectly seasoned.

    I know you shouldn't eat a big meal before an exam because you can get sleepy and tired but Damn! It was good.

    I'm looking forward to it again in 3 weeks.


    That sounds amazing! Hahaha I kind of want hibachi

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    @Tcohle Sounds like you are doing great at 83%. I studied with the Wiley test bank so I can't speak to the Ninja percentage but I was getting 80-90% of the Wiley questions correct when I passed FAR. If you're like me, you probably won't sleep well tonight as you recite all the things you need to remember in your head while in bed until you fall asleep. You probably won't be able to eat much before the exam because of your nerves. Then you'll be worried that you're not in ideal physical and mental condition to pass. But don't worry! All you can do now is to give it your best shot. The hard part is over. You've put in many many hours of studying and made lots of sacrifices. You won't forget anything. If you blank on a question, flag it and come back to it. Likely, there is another question that will trigger your memory for the one you just flagged. Good luck!


    Hey good luck tcohle! My head always went to the idea that I would fail and just praying I had done enough.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.

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