Waiting for FAR results, do I have a chance at passing??

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    I just took FAR about two weeks ago. I did all the HW, optional questions, notecards, a few progress tests, and still felt shaky going in after having studied for about a month and 2 weeks. I got a 61 on my first practice exam and a 59 on the second (but that was because my exam exited out due to poor internet connection halfway through)… which made me even more nervous for the real thing. I am concerned because my test difficulty went from “medium” to absolutely impossible (“hard”), and back to what I guess would be “medium,” but it felt incredibly easy to the point of it being nearly insulting, which made me think that I bombed the second testlet. Even though I remained oddly calm throughout the whole thing, I did not feel good at all about the simulations after I walked out (probably only got 3-4 partially correct at best – had no idea what half of them were asking for), do I even have a chance at passing? Or did anyone have similar experiences? I know worrying doesn’t help, but I am so scared to check my score in a few days!

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    one of my coworkers described an exam experience like yours and he got a 75.

    I took FAR in May and felt pretty good about it (thought 77 ish was very possible) and got a 72. <bangs head on desk> I think it could go either way.

    how far are you into the journey? Is this your last or your first or one in the middle?

    BEC - 8/8/16
    REG - 66, 77
    AUD - 81
    FAR - 9/8/16


    Ugh that is kinda what I figured. It was my first exam! I really am praying that it worked out, but I have no idea… I know I will definitely be on the cusp either way. 🙁 But thank you for your response!

    Pete E. Rino

    That is my worry with Audit. Took it on the 2nd, so my grade comes out the 20th. I felt as if the testlets were med-med-hard and sims went alright. I thought I had done well on the first testlet, but if the 2nd testlet seemed to be the same difficulty, I don't know. Or I just knew the stuff well that I didn't notice it. I thought it was rather easy but that always bites me in the butt. It is always the opposite of what I think. I really just want to be done with Audit as well. As Tom Petty sang – The waiting is the hardest part. Some people thought they did horribly and passed. You never know. The fact that you got a hard testlet is a good sign. At least you get your score on the 9th. I have to wait until the 20th and I am sitting here worrying over that 1st testlet. And I have BEC on Wednesday and hearing people talk about how IT and COSO were attacked religiously is not helping me. I just pray I pass one of the two. Good luck! Hopefully you passed!


    I did FAR, I'm in a different boat than you, I'm waiting until 48 hours after the release date so I can reschedule – I already know I failed miserably. If I get a score in the mid 60's that'll be a Christmas miracle.

    Keep your head up though – I know a person who said all three testlets were way too easy and that was a sure sign that failure was imminent, she ended up with a 78. She said she had lots of different calculation questions, but the calculations were too easy. So maybe you're in her boat – maybe the things you thought were “easy” were actually hard but you just know your sh*t. Fingers crossed for you 🙂



    Don't worry too much!

    I took FAR in July (first test ever). Honestly thought I failed. The testlets went Medium – hard – medium I would say, but I totally bombed the sims. I only left myself an hour which wasn't nearly enough time. Safe to say that I completed about half of the sims and left 1-2 completely blank. Left the exam feeling totally defeated and depressed that I would have to go through FAR studying again.

    I scored an 84.

    Moral of the story: don't drive yourself crazy. The way the exams are scored is a complete mystery, and you can't predict what you will get (no matter how shitty you feel after the exam). Keep your hopes up and remember that you were more prepared than a lot of the candidates!

    P.S. I didn't feel too confident going into the exam either. I studied for a month and a half (similarly to you!). I wholeheartedly believe the exams are curved based on other candidates performances, because the only way I could've passed is if I got 100% of MCQ and all the ones I filled out 100% correct for the sims (impossible).

    B- TBD
    A- Scheduled 8/816
    R- Scheduled 9/8/16
    F-84! (7/12/16)
    "If you can shape it in your mind, you will find it in your life." - A little inspiration from a fortune cookie


    @Peter E. Rino Ugh, I'm so sorry you have to wait that long. Best of luck to you too, I have faith in us!!

    I'm sure we both did *knock on wood* better than we both thought, so good luck to you too 🙂 We can do this!

    Thank you, your post made me feel better! I know there's no use in stressing, but I cannot imagine doing it all over again. I guess I am just worried since as you all have said, the grading is unpredictable how it is going to swing 🙁 Oh well. I will see tomorrow! Don't know if I can physically stay up until 1 AM these days, so washed up.

    Thanks to all of you again <3


    I took FAR on the 31st and felt the same way you did!The MC was okay, the last two testlets were okay, but the Sims I felt AWFUL on. Praying for a miracle 🙂


    Yeah, it definitely feels like it would have to be one… I answered all of them with 5 minutes to spare but did not feel confident on any of them at all… partial credit hopefully will be in our favor 🙂 @rach0104

    Hoping the Becker promise holds true!



    I feel like we had a similar experience. I took FAR today and it was my first section I've ever took, but it seems mine was medium, medium, difficult (Since most of the questions in the third testlet seemed alot longer).

    I also bombed the sims, but to be honest I seriously can't imagine passing. I left one completely blank, and another one barley had anything since I also started with only an hour to spare. I might as well just kept that sim blank.

    Hats off to you for doing that and scoring an 84. Maybe you got lucky and one of the sims you skipped was pretest. I want to stay positive but I also don't want to have some sort of false confidence. If it weren't for the sims, I wouldn't be feeling so bad.

    Either way back to studying FAR this saturday since i'll have to wait awhile to get my score.

    Congrats on the 84 though!


    I ended up with a 72… I feel so devastated… I just cried for a solid two hours and am now back starting over with a few progress tests…Does anyone have any recommendations on how to re-study or how long to study for FAR?


    FAR is the first exam I've taken and I came away with an 81 when I got my score this morning and I haven't done any type of accounting work since I graduated a few years ago. I used Rogers & Ninja MCQ.

    This was the way I studied, though I think maybe switching reading to after watching for me personally might be better because I feel like when I'm reading something I'm not familiar with I'm just glazing over it and not taking much in, especially with this type of material.

    -Read section
    -Watch lectures for section & take notes
    -Do Roger MCQ for section until I answered all correctly or the majority

    Once I finished with the Roger stuff, I went through all my notes to refresh a little on stuff I learned earlier. Somethings I felt like I completely forgot I went back to read a little just to brush up. The pension stuff, for example, I felt like I forgot.

    After that I had about 2 weeks until my exam and was doing around ~180 ninja mcq per day. Started off trending in the 60s, was in the low 80s and just made it to the adaptive stage before my exam. I really do think doing all the ninja mcq helped. I was on the fence about getting it but I said whatever for ~45 bucks I'll try it out and see how I do on the exam (not sure how NinjaMCQ compares to other test banks but to Rogers it was definitely a bit harder). So maybe try doing a lot of MCQ for restudying?


    I used Wiley CPA videos instead of Roger CPA, but aside from that, I studied the same way as @mikeyrockz did, and I got the same score as he did. Let me throw in some more analytics. I did 1000 MCQs in Wiley CPA spread through all chapters, 1800 new Ninja MCQs within 2200 total attempts, and around a total of 30 sims that I did once in a while when I felt sick of MCQs.

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