Ugh. First FAR yesterday..

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  • #173671

    I was totally destroyed by my first exam yesterday.

    I was sort of prepared, and thought I would be okay,

    But I wasn’t anyway near prepared for the yesterday’s exam..

    1st teslet was really easy, so breezed through within 30 mins and took a break.

    2nd was alright. Still had enough time, so took a little break.

    3rd had a couple of questions I didnt even know how to approach..

    SIM was a killer. I starred at the screen for about 20 mins to get even started!

    And of course I didn’t have enough to finish the test..

    More than 60% of my questions were on IFRS and non-governmental not for profit

    Beckers study material didn’t really prepare me to either one of the topics nor were they my focus..

    I’m a sad panda.

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  • #365524

    How long were your breaks? I would not risk using up precious minutes by going on a break unless I really needed to use the bathroom or something.

    FAR: 87
    AUD: 86
    BEC: 86
    REG: 84! Officially Done!

    CPA Hopeful

    LOL Mini

    FAR - 81
    REG - 75
    AUD - 85
    BEC - 79

    Thank goodness it's over... Now on to the next step...


    Yeah.. I wouldn't take breaks bud.

    Stil it only sounds like you struggled with (1 of?) the SIMS. Could definitely still pass, others have felt much worse and passed just fine.

    REG - Passed!!
    BEC - Passed
    FAR - Passed
    AUD - Passed

    Study Materials: Becker basic course

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