Took FAR… Unsure.

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  • #826012

    Welp I took FAR.

    The first testlet was super easy, I finished it and realized it had only taken 10 minutes. Went back and double checked my answers to make sure I hadn’t made any stupid mistakes. Got to the next testlet and it was noticeably harder… Took me the allotted 30 minutes and I had to flag a few that I was unsure of to come back to. The third one seemed a little bit easier but still roughly the same difficulty as the second one. I felt generally alright about the MCQ but knew there were a few that I had to answer with just my best guess.

    The SIMs were HARD. I practiced a few through Ninja and Becker (plus a few through CPAexcel earlier in the summer) and did pretty well on those for the most part. These were a completely different beast lol. It was super disheartening, because I did a quick look at all of them to see if there were any topics I knew really well or not at all, and I was stoked that I was pretty strong in all of the topics aside from one. I started with my strongest subject first, but realized halfway through jotting down the information that they’d added one extra ‘fact’ that threw me. It was something that had been mentioned in a few practice problems, so I knew what to do from a factual viewpoint but did not know how to treat the ‘fact’ other than that in terms of the accounting. It was only part of the answer and didn’t affect the main calculations as far as I knew, so I just flagged the question to go back to if time allowed. To my surprise, EVERY SIM had something like this! Like in general I know how to do Bond amortization (this wasn’t the question, since I can’t give you any information… but just as an example), but if I’d forgotten to look at the part about bond issuance costs it would throw off every answer. That sort of thing.

    So now I’m worried that I failed. It’s really frustrating that I knew how to do the main part of almost every SIM, but could have gotten literally 0 points because I forgot about one minor detail that was some ‘blip’ in the readings/homework. I’d understand losing some points for that, since I should have known everything (and genuinely tried to)… but to not get any points on something I might have otherwise gotten a lot of points on is the worst. I tried looking it up in the authoritative literature and was able to get what I think was the right answer for one SIM, but ran out of time for the rest. Did anyone else have the same sort of feeling during their exam? How did things turn out? If I failed, I’m going to reschedule AUD and start going back over the minutia for FAR. But waiting until September 9th to find out is killing me haha

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  • #826087

    I had a very similar experience when I took FAR 7/19. I felt I did decent on the first testlet, but the next two rocked my world. On the SIMS, I had a general idea how to do them all but, as you experienced also, there was a minor detail thrown in that was odd. I figured I failed. I was so upset and distraught. I told everyone I failed. Turns out I made an 83. So, just by what you've said in your post I would say you have a good chance of passing and with these exams, that's all you can really hope for!

    FAR - 7/19/2016 - 83
    BEC - 8/30/2016
    AUD - TBD
    REG - TBD


    This actually made me laugh because I had the same exact experience! First testlet was easy so I knew the second testlet was gonna be harder and boy I was right. It seemed like I flagged almost all of the questions in the second testlet because I wasn't sure of my answers. Then the third testlet was easier but harder than the first testlet. Overall, I felt pretty good about my MCQs. Then the Sims…… In my opinion, there is nothing that can prepare you for the sims. You just have to know the materials very well and hope that you get manageable sims. I love how you described your experience with the sims because that is how I would describe mine word for word. Anyways, I was pretty sure I failed the exam when I left the testing center although I knew there was a small chance that I actually passed it. I was expecting a score of 70-76. Well, three weeks later, I got my score. Somehow I got an 86. I don't know how I got an 86 but I did. Couldn't believe it. I still can't believe it. Anyways, I am sure you did fine. Trust me, I know how you feel because I was feeling the same thing. I'm sure you did great and will be pretty happy when you get your score back. However, there is no point in thinking about it now. Move on and study for the next section!


    Well this is disheartening because I felt good leaving my AUD exam.


    @RumtheThird – if it makes you feel better, AUD was the only exam (I've taken all four) that I came out and didn't want to jump off of a building. And I ended up scoring my highest exam score so far. So what you felt might actually be indicative of a good result. Easier said than done, but try not to worry about it too much!

    Valar Dohaeris

    This is exactly how I felt when I took FAR on 7/25 (passed with an 83 just like FUBARFAR lol). My first testlet wasn't easy, but I thought maybe I missed 4 or 5 of the MCQs. My second and third testlets were miserable I flagged over 1/3 of the answers. There was a recurring theme of some random minutiae that would mess with my head. I had 3 MCQs on IFRs development costs on my third testlet. That left me feeling very frustrated, because I felt I should've been able to arrive at an answer on every MCQ, but no, I ended up guessing on some. My Sims were nasty, too. I think if you got a difficult second testlet, you passed.

    Let me also add that my 83 is proof that whatever grading system they use is based on a curve. There is no way I was close to an 83 percent or whatever.

    BEC - 85
    AUD - 81
    REG - 84
    FAR - 7/24/16


    I hope you are right about the difficult testlets. My 2nd and 3rd didn't even seem fair. That was until I got to the Sims. They were ridiculous and I didn't finish one. My research Sim was on something very obscure and I wasn't even familiar with the issue.

    Waiting on 9/9 but those Sims do not give me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    Just as many of the other posters I took FAR and had a manageable first testlet where I had an issue with 3-4 but the second and third testlet felt like I was taking an exam I had never studied for. The sims were tough with one sim I had zero ideas how to complete so I just put random answers in the boxes. Walking out of the Prometric center I knew without a doubt I had failed. Told the family the bad news and went into a week long depression where I questioned my ability to become a CPA. When scores were released and I saw the 83 I was in disbelief and wiped my screen off thinking there was dirt on the 63 making it look like a passing score. I don't think I have ever had a moment of joy so overwhelming then I realised I had to start studying for AUD.


    Nick, I'm soooooo hoping I have a similar experience. So far our experience is the same… except for seeing the score. I'm fine if the score says 75; it doesn't need to be any higher just as long as it is not lower.

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    75 is a perfect score and based on my experience I would put money on you passing.


    I am sitting for FAR tomorrow, and I already feel beat up so I can only imagine the feeling after the test. I hope the CPA Gods take it easy on me. I am currently re-typing NINJA notes followed by some MCQs…there are not topics I am not 100% in, but aside from that I don't know what else to cover, lol. Hoping for the best…75 or higher!

    FAR: 9/3


    There is always a hope to pass as long as you tried. These exams scores are bit difficult to predict. FAR is definitely the toughest one. Let's hope you pass.

    FAR 79
    AUD 87
    BEC 78
    REG 08/31/2016


    I think I had the SAME test this morning. I rocked those MC's like it was MC himself shuffling across the floor in his big Hammer Pants. Only a select view will know what I'm talking about.

    THEN, the SIMS just flat out stole my thunder and ripped my guts out. Up until that point I was positive I was going to pass. Now I'm not so sure.


    Did you get your well poofed Miami Vice like parachute pants out and glide side to side clapping and saying… Can't touch this?

    B Passed
    A Passed
    R Passed
    F 8/31/2016


    I took FAR on 07/06 and would of put money on a failing grade, if any of my friends would of given me odds. This was my first test, and I seriously considered if passing the CPA was something I could even obtain.

    I felt like I did average to sub-average on the MCQ's. I assumed I was in the easy testlets, and that I would have to ace the sims.

    I was a deer in headlights with the SIMs. I had just under 2 hours for the sims. I couldn't decided where to start. Every question had some weird twist that I wasn't 100% sure how to handle. The research question I had sucked. It was so obscure. I wasted about 40 mins clicking between all the sims before I got my act together and started answering questions. The time ran out on my test, and I had 2 sims completely blank(they were larger SIMS with a lot of spots to fill in). I forgot you could look up answers in the AL, which made things worse. I beat myself up for a couple days. I couldn't believe I wasted so much time clicking between the sims.

    When the scores were released, I had a tears of joy. I couldn't believe I had a passing score.


    Oh man Joshua — The suspense is killing me. You are giving me hope..9/9 can't come soon enough.

    FAR - 8/24/2016
    BEC -
    REG -
    AUD -

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