Took FAR today! Here are my thoughts. Think I passed?

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  • #193912

    Pre exam totals:

    Trending about 85% overall. Average around 65% (including early quizzes)

    2 practice exams around 66% and 72%

    Woke up this morning, read all ninja notes and went over journal entries.

    I didn’t care to take notice to testlet difficulty, but if I had to guess it went med-med-hard for me

    I knew how to do 6/7 of the sims, not sure if they’re all right but I was pretty confident with my answers.

    I finished with about 40 min left so I used the rest of the time to check over my sims.

    I’m not sure if I just felt well prepared, but contrary to what I’ve seen on here, I wasn’t super angry after the test. I don’t think I bombed it. This sort of worries me because I thought there was an inverse relationship between how well you think you did vs how you actually do lol.

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC

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  • #666385

    Sounds like you did great. I felt the same way leaving FAR.

    What exam is up next for you?

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    Okcpa if I pass going for AUD next!

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I felt the same way leaving FAR and REG. Sounds like you were just really prepared!

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    Awesome, studying AUD right now. Taking the exam at the end of the month. Jump into the Study Group forum. We're all preparing to dominate that exam!

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    @ okcpa2015: What study course are you using?

    FAR: July 2016


    Definitely will! I'll probably taking a few days off then buying some ninja materials and jumping into it

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    Is this abnormal to think I did okay on the exam? Seems like everyone who passes says it's brutal…

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    there's no problem feeling you did ok. I had almost the same experience, including pre-exam positions.


    I just want to get a 75! I'll be really disappointed if I dont

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC



    FAR – Only CPAExcel

    REG – CPAExcel and Wiley Test Bank

    AUD – CPAExcel, NINJA MCQ, and Wiley Test Bank (just to get some different questions)

    If you're curious I like NINJA MCQ more than the Wiley Test Bank. Easier to use in my opinion.

    FAR - 91
    REG - 88
    AUD - 98
    BEC - 88


    Tcohle that's awesome to hear! Don't worry about that inverse relationship (lol, total CPA term) it really depends. I am sure you did great!! Praying you have good news to share on score release day. Good luck studying with AUD. After FAR I found studying for AUD was a much better experience. Hopefully that paid off for me on 5/27. 🙂

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    Thanks zumo! I think I at least got a lot of partial on the sims. Just really worried about it!

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    I know what you mean. Try to remain busy with either beginning to study for Audit or take some much needed time off but don't let your thoughts consume you. I know that it is easier said than done.

    FAR - (11/01/14) 71 (02/07/15) 79
    AUD - (04/30/15) 86
    BEC - (07/21/15) 73 (10/01/15) 75
    REG - (11/30/15) 55 (05/19/16) 74


    Yep! Heading to the casino tonight hahaha

    FAR- 5/11/15 76!!
    AUD-10/31/15 63, 84!
    REG-7/12/16 72
    BEC-8/31/15 75!! Perfect Score!

    Wiley CPAExcel Platinum
    Ninja 10 pt combo for FAR/AUD/BEC


    My first exam I took was AUD and I was just totally in the zone for the entire test that I never even thought about testlet difficulty or anything. I had my earplugs in and I was just moving question to question, 100% focused. I walked out and I felt good but then I questioned myself because we're always told for cpa that you are not supposed to feel good. So I convinced myself that I either completely failed or totally killed it. When family/friends would ask how I felt about it I gave the obligatory “ehhh idk really uncertain, could go either way, we'll see” because I didn't want to jinx it! And what if I told them I felt good and then ended up failing, that would be embarassing. And well…..self brag, I ended up totally killing it. Felt damn good too. I'm sure you knocked it out of the park!! You deserve some celebration, enjoy it!

    All feelings of “good” will be completely evaporated by the time the clock of doom score release countdown starts. At least for me it always does. Good luck & congrats!

    AUD- 99 (11/26/2014)
    BEC- 81 (1/12/2015)
    REG- 85 (2/28/2015)
    FAR- ?? (5/18/2015)

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