Took FAR today - Page 2

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  • #176267

    I took FAR today, and I’m very disappointed with my performance. I did okay on the MC, and ran out of time on the TBS. I felt an entire simulation blank, got the research question wrong, and didn’t finish up another TBS. I feel like I know this material, but I tested very poorly today.

    What are the chances I can pass with missing 2 entire TBS?

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  • #407940

    I wouldn't say harder. My testlets at least still had those tricks and things you needed to pay attention to.

    The becker questions are pretty spot on to at least how some of the questions are worded. I had a becker question that was almost exactly like the question I saw on the exam.

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Becker MCQ are perhaps a step up from the exam, but the exam tests weird stuff. I felt both overprepared with basic & advanced accounting concepts, calculations and underprepared for minute “who cares” stuff that does not see much of the daylight in accounting practice.

    Having that said, at least now I have a general & specific ideas of what to review if there is a need for a second take on FAR. Keeping fingers crossed ….wave 2 & 3 looking forward whatever results are.

    We can do this!

    Becker Class of Jan - Aug 2013: FARB DONE!!!!
    CPA license pending 🙂


    @ SeattleAccountant – I completely agree with that statement and had a simliar experience.

    I am DONE!


    That is why these exams are so hard and unpredictable. You could spend hours studying the larger/more heavily tested topics, but the difference between passing and failing could come down to some questions that are described in one or two sentences in your review materials.

    BEC - 77 (lost credit), 4/5/13
    AUD - 83
    REG - 77
    FAR - 73, 74, 80! One more to go!!


    Guys that took it yesterday, are you expecting your scores in the 2nd wave or the last wave?


    no. We're definitely wave 3

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Hey again all, just wondering what your reflections were on FAR. I took it this morning, and after moving on to the 2nd testlet, I was wondering if maybe I had messed up a little, because the MC got a little more tough, but nothing crazy. Like Peetree, I probably overstudied, but I went through the MC fairly quickly, and then I didn't think that the Sims were that tough. They were somewhat tough, but doable. I was left will 35 minutes after finishing them and then redoing my calculations and making sure everything was good to go before I called it done. I got a 78 and 90% on the becker exams, and I put in another 35 hours after taking the 2nd exam, so probably overstudied. Feeling confident just hope I'm not in for a rude awakening haha. Can you guys add your input on your experiences? To put a more exact number on studying, it was well over 200 hours for me.


    NFPs and GOV are gimmies I feel like..compared to the rest of the exam!

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