Took FAR today

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  • #176267

    I took FAR today, and I’m very disappointed with my performance. I did okay on the MC, and ran out of time on the TBS. I felt an entire simulation blank, got the research question wrong, and didn’t finish up another TBS. I feel like I know this material, but I tested very poorly today.

    What are the chances I can pass with missing 2 entire TBS?

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  • #407925

    I have actually heard of quite a few people who didnt finish their sims and missed 1-2 chapters of becker and still passed, on REG and FAR. Kinda crazy

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd


    Just took it today too!

    Certain things were tested heavily, others not at all.

    Really strange.

    Lets just celebrate tonight regardless of our performance because at least we can take a night off of studying!

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    Really MustPass1988? what are the chances of passing FAR without studying the governmental/nonprofit nonsense?


    @wissam I have no idea- I haven't taken FAR, I was just repeating what I've heard from friends and coworkers. It would depend on the test you get.

    AUD: PASSED [81]; Expired, retaking August 23rd
    BEC: PASSED [83]; Expired, retaking July 11th
    REG: PASSED [83]
    FAR: FAILED [64]; Retaking May 23rd


    I do not think you can pass FAR without knowing Governmental and NFP.

    edit: Theoretically, you probably can but the probability isn't that high.

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    I wouldn't neglect any topic unless you really really don't have the time. Some topic may show up many times, once, or none at all.

    Definitely don't neglect Governmental and Not-for-Profit


    The sheer fact that some topics don't show up at all really piss me off. Especially when they are topics that I reviewed a boatload to ensure I would have a proper understanding of them.

    Grrrrr 😀

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank


    I remember when I took my first CPA test, BEC, everyone said focus on variances. Variances were the GOVT/NFP/Leases/Pensions of FAR. Typically, the most heavily tested stuff.

    With about 5 questions to go in the third testlet, I realized that I hadn't seen a single Variance question that I studied the most for, made me furious. It just happens.

    But from what I've seen and experienced, you can't pass FAR without GOV/NFP knowledge, it's typically a heavily tested subject beyond the percentages.


    To the guys who took it today, did you use becker? And if so, did to take the practice exams, and how did you do on the practice exams?


    @peetree I know that feel. There were a couple topics that I spent loads of time on, only to get 1-2 questions on them. Blah.

    I used becker and got ~75% on the mcq's and ~90% on the sims for the practice exams. I was scoring in the high 80's to low 90's on the progress tests.

    F - 86
    R - 90
    A - 97
    B - 91


    Any idea of the amount of hours you put in? Thanks again.


    You cannot pass without studying Govt/NFP. I wish I could show you my last FAR Sheet. I was comparable in everything but was weaker in Govt/NFP. I studied those chapters like crazy this go round and hopefully it was enough. I am ready to be done!!!!!

    AUD 57,{75}
    REG 65,{78}
    FAR 64,68,72,{75}
    BEC 68,{78}
    Becker 1st Time Around in 2010. NOW, Becker MCQ's & Wiley TestBank W/Ninja Notes 2012-2013


    I took both the becker final practice exams. Scored an 91% on the first and 84% on the second. I probably put in over 150 hours studying for FAR.

    I probably over studied but I do not care one bit. I think taking these exams twice is a ridiculous waste of time, energy, and emotion. Would rather over prepare and hopefully pass them the first time around.

    Becker does a good job preparing you but I promise, you will not expect what the exam throws at you. The only thing you can hope is that in your head, you have a firm grasp on the concepts and intricacies within the topics.

    FAR 02/21/13 - 95
    REG 07/02/13 - 87
    AUD 08/02/13 - 94
    BEC 08/30/13 - 85
    Ethics Exam - 90

    Illinois candidate awaiting his license

    Used Becker Self Study | Ninja Audio | Becker Flash Cards | Ninja Notes | Wiley Test Bank



    I have read a lot on this forum that the Becker questions were harder. Was that your experience?

    FAR - 04/15/13 70 - 07/02/13 79!!!
    AUD - 08/19/13 84 🙂
    REG - 10/14/13
    BEC - 11/29/13

    Using Becker

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