Took FAR got moderate test let 2

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  • #1958376

    I just finished taking far, and it started out very hard with a lot of very obscure questions that I basically had to guess on out of the first 12. I estimate I got between 66 and a 75 on the 1st Testlet and Iā€™m almost positive the second testlet was moderate and not the difficult because it actually seemed easier than the first one.

    I think I got close to 75 on the second one and then I nailed the sims, With over 90% on each testlet with a fairly high degree of confidence.

    What are the chances that I passed even if I did not get the difficult testlet number 2? Am I screwed?

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  • #1958400

    That's great that you feel you nailed the sims, from all the posts on here, SIMS sound hard for FAR. So if you did great on the SIMS, I imagine you more than likely passed. Score release will tell : )
    Will post my experience tomorrow, fingers crossed!!!!

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    You will pass šŸ™‚

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    There is no question, based on the information you have provided, you passed the exam with flying colors. On to the next one!

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    I wouldnt worry much you probably passed. I wouldnt put much thought into the testlets and if they get harder or more difficult though. If you are prepared, they are going to seem easier, if you are not, they wont. I think people put too much thought into that and it just makes them go crazy. Just my $0.02.


    It sounds like you did fine, which is great! Judging testlets is useless, as no one know what's considered ‘difficult' or ‘moderate' on a given exam by the AICPA. For FAR (my first one), I assumed my second MCQ testlet was more difficult since it took me about 45 min for the first, and 1 hour and 15 min or a little more for the second, out of nowhere – however that could just be the material and I was weak in those areas. I felt like I bombed most of the SIMs, walked out with an 81.

    For AUD, BEC & REG I could never tell if my second testlet got harder, although I never thought about it in the during the exam – I was always anticipating the worst with the SIMs. Good luck!


    My concern is there were 11 out of 33 on the first testlet that I had to guess or deduce and lean towards one of 2 possible choices. I have gone back and checked my answers and confirmed that 2-3 of the guesses were right ,but I can't remember several of the questions.


    So I took the test, and I feel like I def. missed 2 SIMs, and even the research question (which was so WTF to me, but then again, so were some of those SIMs), I am not sure about! That's bad. I have no idea if I will fail or pass, I wish I could say “I have a feeling,” because I don't. I am going to take a break for a few days, and then start AUD.
    If I failed FAR, after all that studying, er… nothing I can do about it, so will still proceed with AUD, and then re-visit FAR . Because I have read that, if you want to commit things to long-term memory better, its advised to re-visit the information in intervals, so maybe I just need to sit on it, and then re-visit after AUD.

    At this point, I can only PRAY!!!!!

    Oh, I forgot to add, for time, I was in the red, and I just submitted.

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    I just took far and after getting 73 in May I feel like the one I just took will be the biggest FAIL ever! I can't even explain it…the mcqs were ok but very weird and obscure and even though I had 2 hours left for SIMS it was not enough! They were HORRIBLE. WORST EXAM EVER. I sure hope I get good news next week about REG because I'm pretty sure I have to take FAR AGAIN. I'm not sure what else I can do study-wise, I was studying ALL the time every day for hours. I don't know what to do different. It doesn't seem right that the exam versions can be THAT different!


    Terri, yeap

    I took close to an hr on the 1st testlet and freaked because I had been reading how hard these SIMs are, so I wanted to allot 2 hrs to it, so I feel like perhaps I rushed Testlet #2. The issue is that this was information we either knew or didn't , or so the exam makers assume, and we don't really have much time to “think through” to arrive at an answer, because the time PRESSURE is there.
    For my REG, i had some time to look through the MCQs, but for FAR, I didn't have that luxury.
    Then for SIMS, I did end up with 2 hours, but the fact that the SIMs are divided into THREE testlets, it makes it impossible to judge or manage time there , since we don't know what to expect in the next testlet. If I see them all in 1 testlet, then I can pick and choose what to tackle first or last. Not the case.

    Anyhow, by the time I got to the last testlet, and with the weird SIMs, at one point I felt so hopeless and really just wanted to scream. But yeah I didn't want to get kicked out the testing center either .

    FAR: 76
    REG: Currently studying


    I took FAR on 9/7 and it was pretty much as described in this forum (insert all feelings here). I left 2 hours for SIMS and rushed through the last testlet b/c I was low on time. A few pointers for those taking it soon.
    1) give yourself at least 2 hrs – 2.5 hrs of time on sims
    2) mcqs – study gov f/s, consolidations, (do not recall any ifrs, leases, nfp qs)
    I am not sure how to feel. Only 10 days to find out! Good luck everyone!


    I got a moderate testlet for #2 as well. I read somewhere you get a harder testlet if you do well on the first one. Guess that means I prob didn't do well on the first one…


    “I took FAR on 9/7 and it was pretty much as described in this forum (insert all feelings here). I left 2 hours for SIMS and rushed through the last testlet b/c I was low on time. A few pointers for those taking it soon.
    1) give yourself at least 2 hrs ā€“ 2.5 hrs of time on sims”

    The whole thing sucks. After 30 mins I was dying of thirst, but I'd drunk a whole bottle of water so I also had to go to the bathroom – so of course I took the timer still running break after the first testlet – with just under 3 hours to go. And drank more water during that break. After the 2nd one there was only about 1:50 left so I held my bladder and did the first 2 sims as quick as I could, but again the thirst was distracting which slowed down my thought processing.

    I was not even close to rushed for AUD but the material in FAR is just too much for the time limit – this coming from a guy who passed all the CFAs and has taught college level courses. I don't struggle with calculations at all, its interpreting the questions and trying to get inside the mind of the test maker when the scenario is unclear that trips me up.


    Well, I have to wait for the results of my FAR fail another week, BUT…I got good news on my REG! Woke up yesterday to an 86!!! Brought that sucker up 24 points from the 62 I got when I took it last year. I am happy! If I have to take FAR again I'll just suck it up and do it. Because there is no way I passed. But 86 on REG šŸ˜‰


    I got “Stronger” on MCQs on all 4 exams, and I couldn't discern a difference between MCQ testlets on any given test in terms of difficulty. The only difference I saw was in weight of material covered.


    “There is no question, based on the information you have provided, you passed the exam with flying colors. On to the next one!”
    Thanks and you were correct. I passed with a 90.

    And that answers the question – apparently you don't need to get the difficult testlet 2 to pass, or even to pass with a fairly high score.

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