Took FAR and waiting….

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  • #193814


    I don’t know what to do now, I’m so anxious. I took FAR on 4/30 and am waiting for the result on 5/27. I’m currently working on Audit but my mind is nowhere near the subject. Lots of people on here comment that they walk out of the test center feeling defeated, thought they would fail, etc.,.. I feel different, I was numb but I allotted enough time for the sim (2 hours), and I nailed the *edit* sim, IFRS, bombed the others I think. There were no surprises on the MCQ, I wonder if it’s getting harder or not, I am still numb about the whole exam experience. I put over 3 months of non-stop studying for this beast, please I just want 75.

    Anyone shares the same feeling, please open it with me.


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  • #667357

    Im right where you are. I took FAR on 4/25 took a week off then picked up AUD since i didnt want to waste a month. I plan on taking AUD first of July then FAR at the end of Aug if needed.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    Don't forget sims give partial credit. I thought they sucked and knew I would get some of the $ figures wrong but I felt good on the accounts of the debits and credits. As for MCQs, remember they only grade 75 of the 90 so they throw out 15. Just rereading those stats made me feel better. I didn't feel total defeat leaving but felt I gave it the best I could.

    Journey Started - January 2015
    FAR - 4/2015 - Passed
    AUD - 7/2015 - Passed
    BEC - 8/2015 - Passed
    REG - 11/12/2015 - Passed


    @kyle.brown: me too, my audit test is on 7/14, and if I don't pass by then, the Reg will expire too. I passed audit with an 84 back in 2013, since it expired now so I have to retake it. Ugh… So if you don't pass FAR, you would just take AUD on 7/11 and then FAR again in August? Might forget the materials by then? Let's form a study group for AUD? I'm using Becker and supplement with Ninja.

    @jbawick: I walked out feeling numb but I think I did my best just like you. I knew I nailed 1 of the sim for government JE, IFRS, my sim wasn't that long, and MCQ weren't long -worded like Becker's either. I'm still stressed about it. That's not fun waiting for so long for the result…..please give me a 75….since I noticed you're taking AUD in July, study group?


    Please remember not to give out specifics on exam simulations/MCQs.

    CPA, CFE
    CISA- Experience will be completed by August 2016


    Oh yeah, I forgot. I didn't really give out the exam. 🙂


    @Jasminekoko yes my plan is to stick with AUD since i will already be a month into studying and take the test only 5 weeks later…. Then FAR at the end of Aug if needed. If i do need to take FAR again i got the Ninja Book at the end of my studying so i really didnt get to read it, i plan on using that as really my sole text material for the exam and then MCQ. I was not as prepared as i could have been i had been studying for like 6 months which was way to long but i had some life events come up so if anything i will chalk it up to a learning experience. I am using CPAExcel for AUD and Ninja MCQ and the Blitz right now.

    FAR - Passed 4/2016
    AUD - Passed 11/2015
    REG - ?
    BEC - 05/28/2016


    I passed with an 83 for studying around 3 and 1/2 months using mainly Becker, some Ninja MCQ, some CPAreviewforfree. I felt good walking out of the exam center, so happy that I passed on my first try. Yay! Now back to Audit, the last exam. Thank you CPA God.

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