Took FAR and I need some thoughts and prior experiences

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  • #1676434

    So I took FAR on Saturday and I could tell i did very well on the first testlet because the second set of mcq’s were very difficult. But when I got to the sims, i feel as if i got all VERY hard sims as in so many documents to review and it seemed impossible to finish it within the time. I did my best guess and i’m really hoping for like half credit on most of my sims. Does anyone have experiences where they did something like this and passed?

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  • #1676522

    Easy or difficult is subjective on these exams. I don’t think you can gauge whether you pass or fail just by how you feel about the exam. I know you are looking for answers or something to make you feel better, but there is really no way to know until you get a score. Take a break and hope for the best.

    Good luck!

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    On my retake, I felt like I failed. I spent a lot more time on mcq than I would have liked. I worked on SIMS until time ran out. I left my best guess on probably half the sims. I ended up with a 75. You just don't know if you passed or not walking out. How did you do?


    Yup, impossible to determine how you did based on how you feel, for the most part. Some people might have poured in a ton of study time into each section and really knew the material inside and out, and were correctly confident in that they did well so I wouldn't rule that out.

    For FAR, the SIMs made me think I failed for sure (hit an 81), and for AUD, this forum got to my head because perusing threads about Audit Exam experiences, many people posted how they walked out confident and ended up with 60s or 73/74s. I felt confident during/after the exam, but got in my own head and wasn't sure, and got an 88.


    The frustrating thing about MCQ's is that they always seem to boil down to two answers/choices that are almost identical but differ in one little detail that you're supposed to remember. So if you're not really confident about your material (which is 99% of the time for me lol), you're constantly forced to choose at 50/50 odds – not to mention the stress of second-guessing yourself. That was my experience with REG, which sure enough I bombed again.



    Not knowing what text you are using, I would say that Wiley was fairly good for REG and BEC. Especially with Wiley's test banks.

    I couldn't recommend Wiley for AUD, and definitely NOT FOR FAR.
    The phonebook that Wiley produces for FAR should be used perhaps after Becker?/Rogers? as a back up reference while doing exams or quizzes.
    My opinion is that it shouldn't be the backbone.

    Newbie CPA Candidate

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